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Hi all,


Can anyone tell me what this is? It is hard to the touch, looks red in the pic but looks greenish from different angles. I can't see anything on it's surface, it's just smooth with a "satin" finish.


I recently upgraded my lights and it just sprang up between my zoo's.


Thanks for looking.



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It looks to me like red bubble algae but take that with a grain of salt in the nano reef world you can never be sure... If it is indeed red bubble algae when trying to remove do not pop the bubbles because it will spred the spores and you will have it everywhere...

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Thanks for the response. There's no way it will "pop", it's rock hard. I'm not planning on removing it unless it's bad for the reef of course, but it does not move at all so I suspect you're right that it's a plant.


Thanks again,



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  • 3 months later...

Hi all,


I figured I'd post an updated pic. I still do not know what this is. It's growing away from the lights and seems lighter colored in the areas that get the most light. There's also coraline growing on the older part.


The real question is this. It is still on the same rock it started on. Since the first pic the zoo's have completely disappeared. I don't know if it's coincidence or not.


Any suggestions?





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I don't know what it is, but I like the look of it! Have you thought about moving it to a shadier area to see if it would color up more? It may be like some gorgonians and prefer shaded areas.

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Hi Angel,


I thought of that. Just when you've spend all the money on retrofit "nuclear reactor" lights, you find something in your tank that want to be in the shade :P


Seriously though, my Devil's Hand has attached to the edge of this rock. As you can see the rock was full of zoo's in the beginning. If I can remove the leather I'm moving the rock to a low light area.


I'll keep you guys posted. I'm going to frag it and if the results are positive I guess I can send some out. Watch me send this stuff all over and then it becomes the next "aptaisia". I'll be really popular then X)





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