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New Clown swimming at surface


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I introduced my first fish to my tank yesterday. I took the water into my local shop and they tested it, the store owner said it looked real good. I bought a clown and introduced him to the tank as instructed. Here is what is happening...


He swims vet active, but only on the top of the tank, so much as to his body is actually touching the surface film now and then. But he is very energetic.


This morning he is doing the same but is swimming slightly sideways.


Yesterday I fed him and he ate well, wich I thought was a good sign.


He may be perfectly well, but this behavior has me worried, if any one can tell me if this is natural behavior, or what may be wrong it would be appreciated.



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does he have anywhere to hide in the tank..i.e. rockwork or an anemone. otherwise he may be fine, he should swim "deeper" sooner or later. Check your salinity, make sure the water isnt too heavy sg= 1.023-1.025 should be good. If all this has been taken care of already, then i would just wait and see what happens.

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I just read your blog..... 5 days is a bit soon for any fish, let alone a clown..... See if you can take him back to the store until your cycle finishes.


While you're waiting read this thread and start to do some more research!

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At this time i don't remember the name of the stuff, but my local shop sold me some sort of bacteria stuff that sppeds the cycle up to 5 days to a week...Is this bs then? Like I said I brought the water in to be tested and it all checked out fine. It's hard to figure out what to do, different people have different methods and stuff. I guess who you should listen to gets just a bit confusing.

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Not that there's a problem w/ listening to your LFS, but (most of the time) the members here speak only from experience, while many LFS's seem to speak from a sales point of view. If your LFS is one of these stores, I'd take EVERYTHING they told / sold me with a grain of salt. If your's isn't one of these stores, it may be ok.


Regardless, it'd be a good idea to pickup your own testing supplies and do your own water tests. Only way to establish if a proper cycle has occurred or not is with a number of readings over several days to several weeks time.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

I just bought me a pair of clowns.....have had a biocube 29g tank running for about three months..all of you who say take your time, you are RIGHT!!


After a tough night, (My six line wrasse was chasing and nipping the clowns endlessly, I had to put him in chamber three of my tank by himself for now, don't ask....) the clowns are now settling down. The LFS says to keep him there for a bit, and that by changing the rocks all around, ( I did) he will see that his territory has changed and that he should leave the clowns alone.


In the meantime, the clowns are playing and hang at the top of the tank, almost sticking their noses out of the water. I know this is normal behavior, but I wonder if I should place a piece of plastic, or something -- (ideas welcome) to prevent them from jumping accidentally into chamber two? Chamber two has a plastic drain top, and if they jump on that, they are goners.......



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clownfish are extremly weird fish... they do funny things sometimes. As long as he looks healthy and is eating I say he is fine

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