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So what do ya think?


18G 6 months old


65watt 50/50

HOB topfin10 w/ carbon bag

50watt heater

one powerhead



-mushrooms blue,green,red,brown,brown w/ blue dots and green outline


-various small unknown corals (hitchhikers)


-clarkie clown

-pistal shrimp (hitchhiker, havent determined his fate)

-crab (hitchicker, unknown)

-hermits blue leg, red leg

-snails turbo, bumble bee


just a start

so what do you think?

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Nice, I'm about to be at my six month mark as well. I think more liverock would help make the tank look more full, not to mention increased bio-filtration.



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Yeh I have 30lbs in a 20g curing. When its done ill move most of it over. I cant wait!!! My bio-filtration is doing good i have about 18lbs in there now its hard to tell.

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