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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Is my fish alright


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Hi guys, just wondering is my swordtail alright and if not what can I do to help it. Its not displaying any sick behaviour apart from hiding behind the filter. Thanks very much everyone 


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Is that splotchy color on the glass, or on the fish? 


A fish that abruptly starts hiding is a stressed fish. It could be stressed from another fish chasing it, from an illness, or from something wrong with the water quality. Test your ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. 

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Ah, yeah, male swordtails are territorial. You can try rearranging the entire tank, but most likely, especially if it's a small tank, you'll have to remove one of the males to get them to stop. And you do need them to stop- that stress will make them vulnerable to disease, and eventually kill them. 

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Boxes like that are temporary, they are NOT suitable for long-term housing of fish. Assuming they have water flow from the tank, so the water inside is clean and not stagnant, they can work for a few days to a week while you find something else to do. Divide the tank (if it's large enough for the halves to be appropriate sizes), give one of the two male swordtails away, that sort of thing. 


Can you post a picture of the deformity? Let's go ahead and make sure it's not too badly off. 

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But what should I do about the swordtails that keep chasing the other because I have two that just annoy the others but the others are fine with each other

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If those two are males and the others are females, that's what livebearers do. Make sure the females have hiding places, and that there are enough of them to avoid any one female getting too much attention.


If they're all males, well, there's always going to be some amount of chasing. You need to make sure they all have enough room and places to hide from each other, and if any of them become especially stressed, you'll need to remove either the bullies or the bullied. 

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