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Coral Vue Hydros

Phyto for GSP?


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Hey there!


Do I need to feed phyto to my GSP. I really wanted softies that would take care of themselves. I have 5 mush(two babies), 10 button polyps and a frag of gsp. Is their bacteria good enough?

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You don't need to feed GSP. I never feed mine and at one point it was nearly taking over my tank. I had to cut 2/3 of it off. So another bit of advice would be to not let it get out of control. Some will tell you that isolating the frag to the sand will keep it from growing all over the place, but mine grew right over the sand and ended up taking over about 1/3 of my liverock.

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  • 2 weeks later...

you don't need to feed them..in another post I did say that I squirt them a little once a week with phyto...it seems to keep them very metallic green. the sand advice is good mentioned by j4.

I put some rocks next to it, let the GSP spread on to them then move the rock away once the gsp is well established on the new rock. nice easy way to make frags to trade/sell, or place in another tank. Once GSPs get really established forget about moving it..sometimes you can pull it off the rock but on a smooth rock forget it. Glass ~ take a razor blade and get a good angle on it so that you don't kill it if you want to keep it.

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