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Pico Tank Critters-Should I feed?


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Just set up a new pico tank less than 48 hours ago (fluval spec 3 (2.6g), trying to use stock lights (10w). pump (55gph), and filtration (sponge, charcoal, biomedia)). Everything is going well, used a 1.5 inch medium argonite live sand bed and 3lbs of live rock and water from LFS. Just checked water parameters, all green there (basically all 0s where it should be, ph temp salinaty all good).


The idea was to just let the tank natually cycle (Im patient), then slowly add stuff once that was complete (realizing it could take months). But here is the rub. the largest piece of live rock was gnarly not like the other white pieces. And out of that rock came some bristleworms. No big deal I like them in fact. But this morning I have a couple of superfast 1/4" long skittering shrimp like bugs running (not swimming) all over the tank, no idea what those are, but im ok with it too. Also have a small group (4-5) of tiny 1/4" long upside featherduster things.


So here is my question, should I feed these things, if so what? Or should I just let the tank continue as is? Really wasnt expecting these little guys, but I dont mind keeping them as long as it doesnt crash the little tank.



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I love that part of my tank.  I feed the critters.  I have a 5 gallon tank.  Full of bristle worms and stars.  Those little shrimp are cool.  Wish I had those. 

planning on going very simple. With some zoas and mushrooms.  Some peppermint shrimp

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