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Cultivated Reef

Goby on vacation?


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I put my hand in the tank the other day to move something, my hi fin red banded was sittin in the front of the tank waiting to be fed as always, and when i got finished moving the stuff he was gone, i didn't move but on lil piece of rock that was sitting on the sand bed, i haven't seen him in 2 days now, has anyone had this happen i don't know if i should tear the tank down and see if i can find his corpse or what

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shew, i guess i freaked him out or something which is odd because he has eaten from my hand before, but i will wait hopefuly he will comeback

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he came back today, he kinda disappeared in a giant pod explosion i have got goin on in my tank, maybe that is why he is not coming out anymore when it is feeding time, there are friggin tons of pods on my tank now

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