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Zoa and Hammer Coral Questions


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I've had to start over from scratch with a bigger tank.


The tank has cycled and I've added a couple of Clown fish, and a new Hammer coral. Question I have for the Hammer...does it look like it's ok in this location?


Also, my Zoa's are from my last tank.  They've always had those long necks...should they look like this or should they look like the others I've see where they're really close to the surface they're growing on?


Thanks for any help.

Tank Shot.jpeg

Hammer Coral.jpeg

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29 minutes ago, mark.payton said:

Also, my Zoa's are from my last tank.  They've always had those long necks...should they look like this or should they look like the others I've see where they're really close to the surface they're growing on?

When zoa want more light, they tend to grow toward it (long necks). when they have a lot of light (or too much) they tend to stay close to the surface.


For the hammer, I have 0% competency. It seems to look good for me 🤷‍♂️

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Zoas look ok. I have some bullseye that I purposely put lower down so they reach for light... They look better that way to me.. though others like rastas or hornets I like short and right at the rock level. They all grow just fine.


As long and the hammer isn't getting blasted with flow and is getting moderate light... That will be fine as well. 

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Thanks for the quick replies! 


I'm also thinking about adding another Koralia 425 to the other side of the tank and putting them both on a wavemaker.


Should they be made to mirror their flow or set them up in different directions for a pulsing flow?



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To me, that's your own preference really. I'm not much into standing waves, rather I prefer random flow so that detritus is kept suspended and dead flow zones are limited / mitigated down.

If it where me I might have both on random flow. But understand some people like the wave motion. As long as you have good flow (softies and LPS will be low to moderate flow) then that's all that matters.


Here's an example of my bullseye, long neck reaching for light



And then of my people eaters right at the light and low profile to the rock. 


Good luck. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

They all look OK to me.  I think in the long run you'll want to do something with the Hammer – when it grows larger it'll want to fall over.


Imagine yours approaching this size.  🙂 


BTW post your most recent test results for your water...knowing your nitrate and phosphate levels (among other things) can be important.  

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