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Suse 9.1 Pro (copy) trade for frags Ohio


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I have a copy of Suse Linux 9.1 Pro that I will trade for Softie Frags not looking for any thing in particular, this is a copy I made from my original store bought copy (retails for $89) so if you are tired of M$ and all it's problems here is a great O.S. that you can install along side even winxp and learn what linux has to offer and free your self from M$

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Blind Tree Frog

Like i said in the other thread, this is illegal as SUSE owns the copyright on that software. While you are allowed to make a back up under most every country's fair use laws, you are not allowed to distribute that back up without permission from the original copyright holder.

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Um.... not true.... Suse has released the source to all of the components in 9.1 While they still bundle some applications that are not open source, the main operating system components are free. You are free to download most any Linux variant that you may wish, including Suse. In fact, it's encouraged... The money you pay for a copy of Suse 9.1 Pro or Personal at the store is for the support contract - which copies do not carry!


But seriously.... trying to trade a free OS for a couple softie frags.... come on.... that's like trying to sell water.... oh wait....

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True yes you can download it but do you have any idea how long it would take to download all 5 cd's even with high speed connections it is a time consuming process, the copy I have is off the 9.1 pro I bought

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I guess I must just have a faster connection than most. I can download a full iso image in about 30 mins. I have a collection of about 100 distros on my HD so if anybody is looking for a specific linux / unix / other OS, I've probably got it!


My collections include




BeOS Clones

Mac OS



I will not give out anything that requires a license, i.e. Mac OS, Windows, Licensed copies of Unix, etc.

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Blind Tree Frog
Originally posted by slaeyer

Um.... not true....   Suse has released the source to all of the components in 9.1   While they still bundle some applications that are not open source, the main operating system components are free.  You are free to download most any Linux variant that you may wish, including Suse.  In fact, it's encouraged...  The money you pay for a copy of Suse 9.1 Pro or Personal at the store is for the support contract - which copies do not carry!

SuSE is the copyright holder on the SuSE linux package. Thy choose how said package is distributed. One can download SuSE for free here. This does not contain the propietary apps and drivers that are in the Professional package. From what I've seen of these proprietary apps, they are nothing one can't get anywhere else. But they are not software that the above poster has the right to distribute.


The entire premise of Copyright is that the holder is the sole person that can choose how the content is delivered. Offering CD's of the free CD for cost of media would be fine as that's allowed under the license that the copyright holder (SuSE) has agreed to (can't remember how much profit the GPL allows on distributing.. I hate the license anyhow).


Either way, I was going on the mistaken assumption that SuSE wasn't offering a free download anymore as they don't put the link for the download anywhere I saw (silly me, I didn't think I had to go into the US specific section). But you are right, burning SuSE linux is fine and the Professional package is mainly the installation support, media, manuals, and the extra apps. But since the extra apps aren't in the free version, I'm betting SuSE is required to pay a fee for each copy of the extra software they are bundling as per the contract with those countries, which brings us back to violation of their rights.



But still, I'll shut up. i've said my piece about the legality of this (Free suse for frags, fine. Pro version for frags, bad). I'd still rather not see the practice of trading other peoples' content for frags start here. Two threads on it is too many already.

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Blind Tree Frog
Originally posted by gcrowptc

True yes you can download it but do you have any idea how long it would take to download all 5 cd's even with high speed connections it is a time consuming process, the copy I have is off the 9.1 pro I bought

The download is only 1 700 meg CD.


The FTP install should also be significantly less then 5 CD's in size (barring which options you want installed)

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The FTP install of SuSE 9.1 has bundled apps & drivers. It also lists a copying doc that states that you are free to redistribute the entire source / binary tree on their FTP site if you maintaine it's structure & include all files / docs / source etc. This was previously not the case, but since the Novell purchase, they've changed the distribution practice of their software. I'm not sure if there are more drivers / apps on the cd set or not though. It's a moot point though because they will gladly mail you a free copy of SuSE 9.1 Pro (w/o support) by filling out a quick survey. It's hidden, but it's there.

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Suse is available for download. The personal edition that is. The profesional version is available for purchase. I have Suse 9.1 personal that was downloaded on my desktop and laptop. It is on one CD and states that it doesn't not contain serveral things because of certain licensing. (Like ATI of NVIDIA drivers comercial drivers). However, I beleive that like pretty much all Linux distrobutions the pro edition should be tradeable with anyone, unless the user agreement prohibits it.

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Linux is free ware people, these companies that market it are only making it a little bit simpler to use, and it's downloadable and a hell of alot better than Windows. Microsoft doesn't even hold a candle... Besides, Gary is not here to get talked smack to about copyright BS, if you aren;t here to trade with him, why the hell are you crapping all over his thread? RUDE MUCH?

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Non truths my @$$, and I brought it up because he still has the OS available, therefore its still valid. I am not going to mess with his thread further, and neither should you or anyone else that isn't trading the OS on CD for frags. I just happen to be making the trade, so that's why I feel I am ok to post this one time. Linux IS free, the source is available to anyone who wants it! Gary is just saving us all the PITA of having to find and download it, which can take forever. Espescially to those of you on dial up. Anyhow, I've said my piece, people that are rude are going to continue to be rude, unsubscribing now.

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I suggest Blind Tree Frog do some research into linux and take the blinders off and realize M$ will never ever be secure and deliver an operating system on time or with the components it is supposed to have and the next release Longhorn now pushed to late 2006 or early 2007 is only going to be a big XP service pack,


The only versions of Linux that are not to be copied are commercial enterprise versions for servers any and all other versions are free to be distributed to anyone as long as the source code is included

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Blind Tree Frog

1) Linux is a kernel, not a distribution. A minor difference in many ways, but a key one.


2) Linux is not required to be free. Anyone that wishes to charge for it may and there is nothing that anyone can do about it. It's in the GPL. The use of free with regards to linux and the GPL has nothing to do with the price.


3) That distribution that he is offering is not free. The free distribution is elsewhere on their web site. Again, that distribution is not the free distribution.


4) With regard to 2 and 3, once you recieve a piece of GPL'd software, you are allowed to distribute the source code as you wish and the original distributer has no say at all in the matter. However, the package that he is trying to distribute is not entirely covered under the GPL and he does not appear to have permission to distribute the software that is included in that package.


4) As far as a home desktop OS goes, Linux is neither more user friendly nor has a better general software lineup then the Windows OS's have. It can work just as well, if not better Windows for users whose needs are not the same as 95% of the home computer using populace. It is no better then Windows for the other 95% of the home coputer using world.


5) As a office/Workstation OS. As it lacks many applications that are widely spread in the corporate world, it is a poor replacement for windows. Noticable applications that have no equal on Linux include Adobe Photoshop (GIMP is no where close) and MS Office (Open Office is getting better and is getting closer, but is still severely lacking), Lotus Notes (Notes will run under WINE however. As far as I know, IBM has no interest in porting it), Outlook (At least I have not heard of an acceptable equal yet).


6) As a server OS.. Well this is entirely dependent on who is running a server. A good linux admin will make linux shine, a good windows admin will make Windows shine. Thinking anything otherwise is just fooling yourself.

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I Bet You are Voting for Mr. Bush wake up and smell the coffee M$ is feeling the pressure of Linux and if you ever bought the box copy of 9.1 pro like I have there is no License agreement in it like M$ products, and you are wrong Linux offers everything, office, outlook, etc. but more secure, You need to realize Unix/Linux was developed long before M$ ever existed in 1969 Bell Labs


Hmm Windows = many virus attacks

hmmm Linux/Unix = never a virus attack


Ok am done with this thread I would like a moderator to lock it or delete it, I offered a perfectly legal trade and people have bashed it with out having knowledge of the product or it's legalities

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Blind Tree Frog
hmmm Linux/Unix = never a virus attack
Around 10~15 years there was a Virus that shut down a large portion of the computer world. Viruses on Linux and Unix are very much in existance. However, Windows is a much better target as it is much more wide spread (more damage possible) and more ignorant users leaving possible openings and weaknesses.


And if you believe that that product has no licenses associated with it, you are sorely mistaken. A short read on SuSE's site will quickly tell you there there are software packages included in that distribution that you hold in your hands that are covered under licenses other then the GPL.

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