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I.D. please...yellowish algae


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I have never encountered this before, A yellowish algae that looks like a sponge, but not a sponge and it is hard as heck to just pull off, say during a water change. I did a search all over the web for i.d. purposes and how to get rid of it and couldn't find anything. The half of my nano without critters on rock, I took out and gave a good scrubbin, in salt water, then a quick fresh water rinse. But the other half of the tank won't be as easy to do the same. Any suggestions? Thanx





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30+ years in and out of this hobby and still many things to learn. I swear I don't remember seeing this in my tank or a customers or clients. I'll do another 25% water change (about two gallons...hehehe) remove a lot physically, I did add some phosphate remover and are gonna turn the light intensity and duration down, we'll see...Thanx S.B.

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I always keep extra hob filters, so I strapped on a couple, went to town with a tooth brush, got 90% of it. Gonna let that chill over night, do a water change in the a.m. and keep the light low. I have a 150 watt LED over a shallow nano, 9 inches of water, 19 inches above the substrate. I keep the whites at 20% and the blue channel at 40%, getting about a 220 par, more up on the rocks. So I dialed that down a bit to 5% and 20% respectively.

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