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Aiptasia budget aquarium

king aiptasia

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king aiptasia
5 hours ago, geekreef_05 said:

I bet the answer is very large. Whats the size of your largest Aiptasia head ?




1 inch diameter without tentacles (the  very big one behind the big one in focus) he is currently obscured by other anemones

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king aiptasia
58 minutes ago, Broseff said:

Are you doing anything special for the Aiptasia? I have two in my no flow pico and they're super unhappy, one went missing after about 3 weeks. 

Just cheap lighting and an occasional feeding, theres a bunch of assorted food scraps like shells and bones chucked in there over the months, the salinity is around 1.021. I've never taken water parameters other than salinity in this one. i keep a glass lid on it at all times so there is no significant evaporation, and I used rainwater and instant ocean salt to fill it. also dumped some scrap brine shrimp water in it at one point, that had used "pickling" salt to salt it. Bottom line is nothing special or particularly extravagant done to the tank just a bright light and saltwater. Any pics of your tank? Aiptasia tend to do bad in certain conditions, and they are actually quite picky about swings in salinity.

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king aiptasia
35 minutes ago, jarviz said:

watch some other pests start growing that you just can't get rid of, like corals and anenomes LOL

I keep getting growths of those nuisance stony corals, i don't know how to keep them from overtaking the setup, I've tried manual removal, coral-x, nudibranchs, crabs, everything in the book but they keep coming back

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31 minutes ago, king aiptasia said:

Any pics of your tank? Aiptasia tend to do bad in certain conditions, and they are actually quite picky about swings in salinity.

No pics yet, but it's like 1/4 a gallon, maybe 1/2 lb of dry rock, some valonia, and some gracilaria. 


The aiptasia stopped streching out when I added the gracilaria. The biggest one is MIA. 


The salinity is stable, nutrients and ph might swing because of the macros though. 

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1 hour ago, Broseff said:

No pics yet, but it's like 1/4 a gallon, maybe 1/2 lb of dry rock, some valonia, and some gracilaria. 


The aiptasia stopped streching out when I added the gracilaria. The biggest one is MIA. 


The salinity is stable, nutrients and ph might swing because of the macros though. 

HAHAHA... darn those LPS and SPS's that just wont go away ... that's probably the secret to reefkeeping... just hope that things go away on their own and it never will

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king aiptasia
8 hours ago, Broseff said:

No pics yet, but it's like 1/4 a gallon, maybe 1/2 lb of dry rock, some valonia, and some gracilaria. 


The aiptasia stopped streching out when I added the gracilaria. The biggest one is MIA. 


The salinity is stable, nutrients and ph might swing because of the macros though. 

Aiptasia can be finicky around certain decomposition byproducts, keep an eye on that gracilaria algae that it isn't dying on you

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17 minutes ago, king aiptasia said:

Aiptasia can be finicky around certain decomposition byproducts, keep an eye on that gracilaria algae that it isn't dying on you

Anything I should be testing for other than the usual suspects? 


Also, are you doing water changes?

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king aiptasia
14 hours ago, Broseff said:

Anything I should be testing for other than the usual suspects? 


Also, are you doing water changes?

There is no evaporation and not enough food going in to justify a water change for the time being, maybe next year I'll freshen it up.


When I get some more time I might try a system dosed with silicates and that will need some water changes to avoid over salting the water

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16 minutes ago, king aiptasia said:

There is no evaporation and not enough food going in to justify a water change for the time being, maybe next year I'll freshen it up.


When I get some more time I might try a system dosed with silicates and that will need some water changes to avoid over salting the water

What's providing the oxygen in the water for everything to breathe? Bacteria?

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king aiptasia
49 minutes ago, Broseff said:

What's providing the oxygen in the water for everything to breathe? Bacteria?

That is what it looks like, theres quite a bit of bacteria, a lot of fuzzy cyano growths but matted cyanobacterial mats never got forming. I need to get my microscope out because there is occasionally a green planktonic haze that swirls around the surface that may be some other algal organism, that stuff bubbles sometimes quite a bit when it is in bloom

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