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Coral Vue Hydros

October update on Whitten's Cube.


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I have a few update pictures of my Nano cube that I wanted everyone to see.


A few things have happend since my last update, one of which included me taking on some temporary guests via my g/f's clown fish named Aubie(after our school mascot), and his GBTA.


Other than that it has been business as usuall. Both my Green and Blue Shrooms have propgated themselves in two completely different ways. The blue grew very long and split from it's stalk leaveing two small blue shrooms to form, yet the green reached out and touched somebody.


I made a switch to a new salt mix called HW Marinemix, and I have to say my levels have never been better, my corals have never grown faster, and I have never had to frag as much as I am about to ahve to do.


The Montripora Digitata has had to be fragged twice now, as it grows past the top, while my GSP have gone wild, and are desperately in need of a trim so as not to over run. My Zoos are growing tons of new polyps, while my Rics have spilt into 3 new small heads on the same rock.


So here is the progress, and again I appologize about the photo quality.




Sketch the Gramma, and the out of Controll Xenia. I am about to start cutting this stuffa the hilt in order to keep it from taking over that rock. The Frogspawn at the left keeps it in tow though. The Frogspawn currently has 4 new little heads at it's base.



Here is one of my red Shroom.


Green Button polyps, and the stalk from the blue mushie that has turned into two small heads.


Aubie and his buddy.



As for the next months update I hope to have a few new things to share.

I am currently waiting for my Aqua-medic 150 watt 20,000K MH pendant. I already have a clamp light that I will be using to light the back compartment for use a refugium, and will be upgrading to a mag drive 2 or 3 inorder to run a SCWD with two returns. I have also called Jason Kim, and e-mailed him to the point of exasperation over the Nano sized Remora skimmer.


Look for the lights next months as well as the fuge. I should have completed the squid upgrade by December. And then I will be buying B-Ionic, in an effort to prepare for hard corals more rigorously.

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thats awesome. i really like it the way there is so many small dusters and your variety of corals is great


how long has it been running and what mods have you done to your cube so far? (not counting the upcoming MH and SCWD)

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Well to be honest the dusters started on a small rock and have gotten out of control. I have managed to clean a couple of them off the corals but other than that they have almost taken over. I like them but I guess like anything it is good in modereation.


Tank has been up for almost six months now.


The Mods that I have done to the tank are as follows.

Overflow mod

sealed top vent

new return nozzle

removed media and replaced with LR

Mini-jet 606



As of right now I have the stock 24 watts of light.

It is enough to sustain the Frogspawn, and make even the hard coral grow. But I have to admit, that the Monti turned brown despite my best efforts. I figured that would be the case, but hey it was a free frag. The frogspawn would like a little more light than what it is getting, but it isn't keeping it from growing new heads.


I really appreciate all the kind words, it makes me realize that my hard work and patience is really paying off.


Here is the link to info on my tank after it was first setup.

It also has some good pics to give you an idea of where it has come from.


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Welp, I did it. I went ahead and spent 10 extra dollars last night so that I could have my Aqua-Medic 150 watt hood. It was 229.00 over at hellolights.com, but then you had to pay 17.00 in shipping, which was roughly 247.00 or so. I would have had to wait until late November to get it, and that wasn't even a certainty.


I just decided to order it from marinedepot and get it here sometime soon. It ended up being 260.00 because shipping is free plus I got the AB bulb instead of the XM bulb that comes with the one from Hellolights. It was like 30 extra to add a AB bulb so I think I did alright.

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its nice to see that you do not need 96wts of light to have a nice reef in nanocube. i had stock lighting and everythign was great. now i updated with 56wts and even though the corals are great, i have more issues with algae. i jsut recently bought the deluxe nanocube. there are some nice changes.


whitten, you just have live rock back in your sump? no lights? no carbon?

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As of right now yes, I only have LR back there. AS soon as the new lights get here, then I will my Azoo Galaxy Light in the back to light it up for some Fugium fun. I am really excited about getting my new 150 watt setup. I can't think of many people who have that kind of light in a cube, or have done the mod with the mag 3 and SCWD.


One thing at a time though. First the lights, and then the Nano Remora. After that I will do the SCWD, and dual returns as well as cut some more over flow teeth to deal with the added flow. Eventually if the nerve strikes me right I will drill the back compartmen out and put int some bulkheads so that I can relocate the fuge below the tank.

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Here are some pictures of another project that I have been working on. This is a 60 gallon owned by my buds Landlord. It has a 40 gallon sump complete with a brand new fuge custom built by yours truely. The tank was mediocre at best. It was running 4 VHO bulbs on an Ice Cap Ballast. Good lighting but not good enough for me. He told me he wanted reef....so buddy he is gonna get it. We are making a trip to Atlanta to finalize some clean up crew.


On a side note, he was given some bad advise by a local store to Montgomery, and after seeing some of his corals start to wither and bleach he called us to do his tank right. I am in college so I love having a little extra money in my pocket and gladly work on things that I love.


Here is me doing bulbs....yeah I know don't give my a hard time I was sick.


The 20,000K's all fired up.


And a tank so bright my Camera couldn't get a good picture.


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Lou if there is any suggestion that I can stress more than another it would be to absolutely take your time, do regular water changes with a good quality salt mix, and let nature tell you when is a good stable time to add something.

Alot of the reason why I am able to keep what I can is planning as far as rock work. Really and truthfully the watts per gallon has little to do with what you can keep. It more of a suggestion. Part of the reefs that I see that have the most sucsess are the ones who creat either a mound or a slope with their rock work. This allows alot of places to mount more or less light sensitve corals.


Here is another tip. do the free mods to this tank. Take all the media out of the back, cut the overflow holes in, replace the return nozzle with a defuser like mine, and get a really good heater. I suggest the Ebo Jager because of how reliable mine has been.


I currently have 2 fish in my tank. The one that will be staying is the Gramma, but the Clown will eventually go back to my g/f for her new cube. I will eventually get a rose bubble tip and another clown, but until that time I will be happy with my gramma, and maybe a neon goby, or possibly some other small kind of fish.


I really think that 3 small to medium sized fish would be the absolute max. Unless you have a good refugium, or have sumped the tank.

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i havent taken my nanocubes thru the winter yet but wtih the heat from the lights will it be necessary to add a heater? ???????/// and what does everyone recommend for a small compact heater?

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