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Turbo snail parasite


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When I got them home from the LFS I noticed this strange lump on

one of my turbo snails. At first I assumed it was where the shell had

grown back awkwardly from an injury or something, but at some point I thought I saw a little seam and began to think it might be a parasite. So, half thinking I was going to rip the shell of my snail, I pried it off. Sure enough, it's some kind of parasite. There was no visible wound or hole on the snail shell where this was attached, so maybe it's just a hitch hiker and not actually a parasite. However, it was attached so firmly, with no gaps anywhere, that I don't see where it could have gotten food unless it had somehow drilled into the snail and was feeding on it.


Anyway, it's a mystery. That's why I'm posting in this forum. Anyone know what this is?

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Limpet crossed my mind, but a couple of things made me doubt that identification. First is that it's shape is rather curved. That is, if you set the thing down on a flat surface (fleshy side down, that is), it would make a little arch. It wouldn't lie flat. Basically it curved to fit the curve of the Asterae shell. The pictures of limpets I've seen don't curve this way. Also, the fit to the Asterae shell was so good, so seamless and following the curve, that it really gives the impression that this thing had been there for a long time, had grown as the Asterae grew so that their shells matched. In fact, the fit was so good that at first I thought it was just an odd tumor on the Asterae shell. I wasn't sure it was a separate thing until I actually pried it off. To me this says parasite. Limpets are algae eaters (right?). It's hard for me to see how an algae eater would make a living staying on a snail shell for so long, and I really think these two things grew in tandem for a good while.


Maybe some limpets are parasites, or maybe their shells grow fast or are maleable or something so that my diagnosis is wrong. Anyone have any more thoughts?

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  • 3 weeks later...

oh my god your all kidding me, I figured someone had to of answered this, slipper shell snail, not parasite just takes a host, usually on underside of horseshoe crabs abdomens or on rocks, they almost never move during their lifetime, over here in jersey you can find them all over, only thing im not sure about is if they are ment to stand tropical waters but hey neither is your snail so yea, anyways dont kill it, put it back on the snail even and good luck with him

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lol, your welcome, I was just like little blown away because I learned it freshmen yr in HS so I was like some has to of known this, but they must be east coast only or something and since you can't buy them I really shouldn't of expected you to know what it was

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