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I've just discovered 2 uninvited tank guests. Just found them by accident while looking the tank today. They were all over my Astra snails. They look like a slug with a small partial shell, very long antenna/feelers, very long mouth they have a pair of black dots for eyes. the biggest is about 5/8" long. And they are vey fast crawlers. One is a cream coloered, the other is a varied shade of brown.

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Those are Stomatella varia. They're quite common on live rock. The cool thing is they'll reproduce quite well in captivity. I only had one that I could see when I set up my tank, but now I can find several. I don't think they're as good as the larger snails for algae control, but they're cool nonetheless.



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Thanks guys.

It was a load off the old shoulders. The tank has been up and running for over 8 months and this is the first time they have made an appearance. I also did a check around why they were after my Astra snails, and it was pointed out I had just did a "Tank" feeding, and some food may have been stuck to the shells. Makes sence now, because it seemed like everything came out of hiding during the daytime to feed. I knew I had 2 brissle worms, but in fact I have 6, one is over 6".

When i said I fed the tank ,what I did is mix up some phoyphlex,with some mashed up shrimp pellets and using a pipette give my dusters,pollops,etc a little cloud around each head. I did this 2 hours before doing a water change, so as to get the majority of the left over out of the tank. Man you should see what comes out of the rocks and sand!!!!! Scarry!!!!

anyway, once again. Thanks


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I'm no expert but the picture that matches is a Haliotis. It has a picture of 2 species and says one is H. asinina and the other it does not say what species it is but looks exactly like the pics here and what I have in my tank. Both Stomatella and Haliotis are commonly called Abalone and are closely related.

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What's even cooler about the first pic: what the hey is on the stomatella?


(BTW, when I first saw the pic, I thought, "Stomatella and valonia," thinking you were asking for an ID on the bubble. ;) )

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Hi. Sarnack

According to Dr. Ron at ReefCentrel they are Stomatella Varia.

They come in a great variety of colors. There is a pic of a pretty Day Glow yellow one. People were even asking how to get some.



Aparently the difference between the two species is that the Abalone (Haliotis) have some vent holes on one side of the shell along the outer edge. There can be anywhere from 2 to more holes.



I was wondering about the little hitch hiker on his shell, as its not there today. Or at least not on the ones I can see. Guess I'll just have to get them to wear a name tag or try to paint a number on their shells ( just kidding).


The wife likes the pretty green of the algea balls. And its her tank, all I do is maintain it. I usually wait till the balls are the size of a dime then take them out.



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