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Pearly Jawfish - eating?


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I got 2 pearly jaws Friday. I fed them before I bagged them (i work at the lfs). They ate like pigs. I came home, and added them to my tank. Saturday, when ever they would try to come out my Velvet Damsel would chase them back into their rocks.


Today I removed the Velvet Damsel which required taking out every peice of live rock. I then added the jawfish to the tank once again. Im worried since I know they are skiddish fish. Im hoping that they'll be ok with not eating for a few days since they probably wont come out until they are more comfortable with the tank. Even if I feed the tank there is still a good chance they are eating but who knows. Any ideas?

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Dr. Saltwater

The pearly Jawfish is the Yellowhead Jawfish (Opistognathus aurifrons)?


If they won't come out, bring the pieces of food to them. Not with your hand tough, but with a grabber or something like that.


The food? I guess what they are used to get in the LFS at this stressfull moment.

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I took some flake food, and mixed it up so it would sink and it was smaller. I sucked it up with an airline tube and blew some down his little hole. Hopefully he ate.


When I work Thursday ill bring home some live brine since thats what he ate at work.

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I dont know where he is.. He used to be in a hole in the front of the tank but I cant see him anymore. I liked him there since I could see him. I like being able to see him since I know he's ok. I wish he would come back to that hole. Im worried :(

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He probably made a hole on the back side of tank where you can't see him. My Jaw made a couple of burrows until he was happy with the one he is in now. Just make sure that you feed him, the food gets dispersed evenly. He will only come out to eat if he senses food by him.

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One thing that comes to mind about pearly jawfish is that they are very territorial. I don't know how large your tank is but judging by the forum, I am guessing it's on the small side and two small for two jawfish to share space without stressing eachother out.

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the last time i went to the lfs they had a ton of pearly's and i asked if it's ok to put that many in a tank and they told me they were a group that did better with more than one

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I had a jawfish, same type, and it dug its hole, and ate like a champ(frozen brine shrimp). Then it died with no apparent cause. But, as i said, as long as i got some food in his hole in the sand, I could see him eating.

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