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pdf file e-book trade


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Anyone have Daniel Knop's "Giant Clams" book? I just bought Eric Borneman's "Aquarium Corals" and am willing to scan and make it into a PDF file for a trade. I am only going to do this with one person, I am not trying to screw Mr. Borneman out of his well deserved money here. I am only seeking an honest trade here. Resource for resource.

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I'm not here to get griped out over copyright issues, and I am not looking to make a profit here people! I am only looking to trade resource for resource for crying out loud. And Telecaster, quit responding to my threads if all you're ever gonna do is post a smiley rolling its eyes. It's annoying and not constructive in the least.

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You would think that one of the many forums would have a single person that wasn't a rich doctorate degreeman's loyalist friend. Jesus Christ, nobody appreciates trying to help each other out anymore. Screw it, I give up. My LFS is more helpful than some of the people I am finding online with years more experiance!

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I was just curious, like supa'nip, about the legality of what you were doing. X) Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a copy of this book would you?

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sorry what i meant to say was I really dont care if you screw borneman up the ass. I just didnt want chris to get in trouble for having an illegal transaction on his site.

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Originally posted by NanoReefTexas

Nope, and I thought it was only illegal if profit was involved, which it isn;t.


rofl, do you actually believe this.

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It is only illegal if you get caught.


I’m sure everyone out there has done at least one illegal thing in their life. Why is it that you can go to the library and photocopy a book and it is called “research” but when someone is trying to save a few bucks by copying a book electronically it is called piracy?

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ok well unless thousands and thousands of people do this... (like kazza, napster, ect. whitch is exactly the same thing...) then i dont think he will care to much...


though he doesnt care it doesnt make it right...

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hey give the lady a break, she said it was a 1 shot deal, she's not looking to make any $ just an equal trade, maybe you should all go look at my recent post, here in the trading forum, a copy of Suse Linux 9.1 Pro to trade I would love to see your comments about it, for what I have seen here and on RC most of the Nano keepers are kids who have no idea what it is like to work, support a family and support a high $ hobby

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Blind Tree Frog

Yeah it is illegal. Copyright means that the owner of the content is the sole person who gets to determine how his work is distributed. Copying it and sending it to someone, even once and not for profit, is a violation of the owners rights.


On the up side, I believe it is still currently a civil matter in the US. Don't know about international law. It's slowly becoming a criminal matter in the US though.

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Thanks for not soliciting what is more than likely an illegal transaction on our message board.


ps. since your LFS is so remarkably helpful and experienced, why don't you borrow their copy to rip.

pss. closed-0-rama

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