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Coral Vue Hydros

Well i did it!


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I finally bought the quad bulb off hellolights.com. It will be going over my nano cube (12gallon) so i dont have to screw the hood in order for some mods.


Now the back compartments will be open which means i can add a fuge or skimmer!!!!!!!!!!!


I also bought mounting legs and was wondering if i put them on backwards could i get it to set a top of the nano cube (nano cube like 14 inches across and light fixture 20 inches)?


I saw this post and this guy had two golden maximas at the bottom of his ten gallon (its so awsome) and i was wondering when my tank matures a little more i could put a crocea at the bottom of mine or is that not enough light. At a lfs (not relly local 1 1/2 hour) i could get one that is totally away from there metal halide if this helps with its livability under pc.


How about sps? ( i have heard so much about clams and sps under like 64 watts 20 gallon thriving well!, or die the first week)


Well i just want to get a bunch of facts about all this and need some cool ideas.


Much appreciated for the cool people who will respond much thanks ahead of time :D

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how many watts of lighting will it be? if it is around 6-7 watts per gallon i think that you could do a little clam and myabe a couple of SPS or LPS but i might be wrong

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That would be 8!!! watts a gallon


i can get an sps the size of to fists together for 19 dollars at my lfs (not local 1 1-2 hours away)

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o and i forgot i thin kthe legs will let you just scoot them and and let it sit on there, ythe legs slide in and out but they are kinda in on a 0 becuse the fixture can mount on a 24' tank so i think it will work for you

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i dont really want to get into this too much because its on soo many other threads but you shouldnt really measure lighting by watts/gallon

thats not really a good way to judge what you can and cant keep in a tank

as for clams...ive heard it going both ways. some people's clams do ok under pcs and some dont

if you wanna play it say you could always go with a lower light giant clam like dersas or hippopus (but imo not very pretty)

sps are the same (heard both good and bad) but i havent really seen anyones really floruish in terms of color

i'm probably wrong on that one but thats just my opinion

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The only sps you may get away with would be Monti Cap and you're best bet then would be an orange one.

As for clams..try squamosa or derasa.Maxima's need halides.Good luck!

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I have seen 10 gallons with powerquads and ultra maximas at the bottom of the tank and they flourish and groe same with sps?(i am not going to go buy any yet though so dont worry)

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