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my 18gal cube


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heres my idea of trying to down size on cost and maintance! didn't work.:*(

anyway heres my tank. its an 18gal acrylic cube tank 15"X15"X15" total. there is a built in sump with skimmer and return pump in back of tank. size of sump is 3"X15"X15". i have put in an auto toppoff system. consists of a ultralife float switch in sump conected to an ehiem 1250 pump in a 55gal storage tank located in the garage. theres a check valve on the pump so the water doesn't back drain all the way(12ft.) back to pump.

i drilled and installed an iceprobe chiller in the side of the sump to help keep the tank kewl from the 150w HQI in an enclosed pendant and 2X28w actinics in the custom made oak canopy. i also have a 102 cfm fan going inside the canopy to keep airflow moving. i installed a won 150w titanium heater in sump, but i don't think its ever come on yet. for in tank circulation i have a powersweep 214 in center of tank and return pump comes thru a bulkhead at mid height on the back left corner of tank, its powered by a hagen 402 and then i added a rio 600 for additional flow.

i dose B-ionic products daily and like them alot.

my future upgrades will be an aquamedic(mini) calcium reactor with controller. i started with a mix of corals but have decided to go with just sps and zoo's in this tank. i set-up a 6gal eclipse with 2X13w PC to house the softies.


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i think you would be wasting your money unless you just wanted it to pull the water temp dowm like 1-2 degrees. that is of course if your running MH over it. if not i don't know why you would need one. there good for small applications but unless you want to runn 2-3 on a controller then your better off getting a regular chiller. they do have a larger thermoelectric chiller out its like 299 i think in petwarhouse(dr foster and whoever).

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