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fish adding question


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so my tank is all ready to be stocked, finally.


i'm curious, is it better to add the fish first, or stock the tank with corals first?


also, i have a purple firefish coming in at work for my 5 gallon, but i also have these two sweet looking pearly jawfish, they have been paired since they came in two weeks ago and get along great. i want to say the 3 fish be too much of a bio load on the tank. would i be correct? also, the jawfish hide under a rock all day, if i got them would they eventually come out and swim around? i have like 8 lbs of live rock, at the moment i'm running a hob canister but i'm planning a fuge in the next few weeks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I would say that you should not add a fish not neccesarly because of the high bioload for that tank, but because that is too many fish in a 5g system. The refugium would not help the bioload as much as a protein skimmer would.

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