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Coral Vue Hydros

HELP! Clownfish in trouble


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Hello guys, I'm new to the saltwater world and need your help on identifying what this thing is on my first clownfish face. Itsl started small and after 2 weeks BAM doubled in size. Still growing. He was eating and swimming like normal but now he stopped. I have been freshwater dipping and currently have Prazipro running in the DT. Any advice how to fix him or is he on death row?


I only have him and 2 hermit crabs


It fully cycled a 3 weeks ago


Sorry, it's a 30 gallon with a 10 gallon sump (chaeto refugium) 

PH at 8

Salinity between 1.023- 1.024

Ammonia - 0

Nitrites - 0

Nitrates - 0

Kh - 11



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It's not red, it start black with fussy with stuff around it. Then it just got bigger and bigger with more fussy stuff. Now its moving toward its jaw like little white fussy dots

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4 hours ago, xporgueyx said:

It's not red, it start black with fussy with stuff around it. Then it just got bigger and bigger with more fussy stuff. Now its moving toward its jaw like little white fussy dots

I would treat in a QT with Metroplex + Kanaplex for 10-14 days. Dose both medications (at the same time) every 48 hours.


This combination will treat some parasitic + bacterial issues that clownfish sometimes get.

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Thanks! I will try that out. Should I do a weekly water change during the 10-14 schedule? Also, when I remove him from the DT should I do a huge water change or continue adding Prazipro to make sure no other parasite are alive in the tank before adding another fish?


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20 hours ago, xporgueyx said:

Thanks! I will try that out. Should I do a weekly water change during the 10-14 schedule? Also, when I remove him from the DT should I do a huge water change or continue adding Prazipro to make sure no other parasite are alive in the tank before adding another fish?


A 25% or more weekly water change is a good idea. The most important thing is to use a Seachem ammonia alert badge and perform water changes anytime it shows a color other than yellow.


If you've already dosed Prazipro in the DT, then 7 days after first dosing perform a 25% water change and dose Prazipro again in order to complete the treatment.

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