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Picky reefer wants a fish


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Originally posted by NanoReefTexas

And Scott (Case), if that isn't a Dwarf Golden Moray (since it's lacking the blue eyes), can you give me a species name and mature size for it?  It's the one at this link:




The guy says he's had it in his tank over a year and it's maintained 11".


Common Name: Golden / Dwarf Moray

Species Name: Gymnothorax melatremus Schultz, 195


Range: Indo-Pacific Ocean: East Africa, north to the Hawaiian Islands


Size: Up to 8 inches (20 cm)


Natural Environment: Shallow coastal bay areas and lagoons in crevices


General Husbandry: Has a temperature range of 72 - 82°F (22 - 28°C) and will accept a wide range of meaty foods. Feed once or twice a week using a feeding stick. Rarely seen, however, it will consume crustaceans. Secretive, and can rarely be seen in a large system.



Also i found this picture on the net, they dont all ways have blue eyes from what i find go find one of the books thath ave all fish types itts the head shape that will allow you to ID It


And i know you like rare ... i bought the hardest to keep coral yesterday i got flamed for it in the chat i should did more reading on it so its my own fault but im goign to bend over ass backwards to try and keep it.


I bought a Gonaporia (Flowerpot) Bright Neon green about 5in round sits like a place in my sand bed

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and lastyly heres a feed stick from the same page i use some thing just like it i bought a acrylic stick from the plastic store here in the city


Most moray eels are very durable fish. The two keys to success with morays eels are 1) excellent water quality and 2) a varied and nutritious diet. I have found that zebra eels in particular require good water quality and any decline in water conditions results in them "going off feed". This problem is easily resolved by frequent water exchanges and once the water issue is resolved, the eel is back to its normal self. According to Michael (1998), he has yet to see a moray succumb to disease or parasites and only on rare occasions has he noted external parasites or nematode infections. It is important to remember that when treating moray eels with medications is that moray eels are exceptionally sensitive to copper-based and organophosphate-based medicines. Therefore, Ich treatments should be done in hyposalinity and not copper.  


Additionally, no treatments should be undertaken using medications with the tradename: Masoten, Dylox, and Dipterex. According to Fenner (1990), if your eel appears to be developing a bacterial or fungal infection, check for a decline in water quality. Should any parameter be suspect, perform water changes, or remove the eel to a quarantine tank and treat with an antibiotic. Water quality issues will also trigger a starvation response from many eels. When refusal of food is first observed, try performing water exchanges to alleviate the situation; however, if your eel continues to refuse food for more than a few weeks, attempt to find the source of the problem. This could range from bacterial infections to overfeeding. Don't fret over morays which have fasted for short periods; my eels have refused food for over 2 months with no loss of body condition or apparent health issues.  


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Well, it's a non issue, I should have jumped on that link right away when it was originally posted, but somebody else got to it before I saw it and realized just how beautiful a sunshine yellow eel was. I even offered to pay $50 to the guy to get him to not buy the eel, but he declined. *sniffles and mumbles some explatives* Oh well, I wouldn't have backed off the purchase of such a beauty either for only $50, but I was willing to pay more damnit! *pouting* It would appear the sunshine yellow beauties like you (Scott) have are hard to come by in an already hard to find species. Bah humbug... I guess my fate is to sit on a bunch of waiting lists and languish. Oh well, I get paid today, will see what my LFS has for me. If I can't have the eel, maybe I can have a different pretty until the eel I want can once more be found. And Scott? If you ever decide to part with your eel, please let me be the first to know.

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Seen those Fisher,


Not enough bright, beautiful, intense color. My budget is straining to try to justify getting that resplendant angel at tax return, it only gets 2"... It wouldn't be a stretch to stick it in a 10 gallon if it was the only fish in there and I added a sump of at least 10 gallons....right? Fighting temptation....fighting temptation.... Need....bigger....tank....

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Yeah, plus that first fish was incredibly ugly >.< I don't think i'd pay money for an aqua worm =/ lol. Yea snakes are great, not to get this off topic though -.- my Hogg island boa is like a miniature boa constrictor because I don't have the room for a 9 foot snake =/ My hoggy is only like 5 feet. =) ANYWAYS back on topic... I guess all you can do to find one is keep your name of those waiting lists and maybe make a post to see if anyone is selling theirs on reefcentral??? Although it's pretty doubtful ><. O well goodluck fidning one anyways =)

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But I couldn't resist buying the 1" white striped maroon clown my LFS had today. I have also been searching high and low for a tiny one like that, and I LOVE their color. I guess I'll be waiting for the eel... The resplandant angel will definately tempt me near tax return. *Whispers "Patience is a virtue" to self repeatedly*

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Haha...after all that talk about the uber-rare find and all our posts about potential rarities and high-priced exotics, you ended up w/ a maroon clown...


Clowns...no one can seem to resist their sexy ways...gotta love em!

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that's a darn shame how rare those guys are. I love eels. I'm hoping to get one after my tank cycles. Fortunantly my LFS says they consistently get 1 or 2 in. Bad news, PRICE

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  • 2 weeks later...

True Tigahboy,


"Merlot" the baby maroon clown had it in for me from the moment I laid eyes on her, she swam right up to the glass at hte LFS 2 weeks ago, as if to say "You want a piece of this?" and then went back to harassing the other baby maroon clown in the tank. I could only grin and laugh to myself, and I had to have her. Such spirit in one so small was intoxicating. Day after tomarrow is pay day again, this time I get $250.00 to play with, $111.00 is getting me a 250 watt retrofit metal halide and bulb shipped, and I'll need to pay for Daniel Knop's book "Giant Clams" that I ordered from my local Hastings, $50.00. Once those are bought, I need to grab a 10 gallon fitting reptile screen, a couple of lengths of small chain, and a couple of eye screws, a couple of small screws, and a small piece of wood, to suspend the retro from the ceiling, and then the rest of the money is mine to spend on something new at the LFS. Probably my first coral, or something aside from astrea snails for a clean up crew. I also need to grab some veggie based pellet food for Merlot to vary her diet. I do prefer rare things damnit, it's just that the one I wanted slipped through my fingers because pay day couldn;t get here fast enough! Note to self, have money on hand at all times, learn to save... And besides, I've never had a clownfish before, so this is new for me, and I love my new baby fishy. She so owns the tank, it's cute... Espescially when I squat in front of the glass to look at her, and she comes right up to me as if to say "You again? " and swims back in forth right in my face as bold as you please. It's so amusing, I love it.

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The plan is to set up a 29 gallon dedicated species tank to Merlot, and another maroon clown later, with an RBTA. Or if nothing else, my LFS will let me trade her in for another small one when she gets too big. But I am so attatched to her already, I don't think I could bring myself to do that.

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Update: Bought another WSM today, a bigger one, need a name for it. Also bought 3 blue leg hermits and a GBTA today. Big un-named maroon is loving it, when it isn't hiding in the LR where un-named maroon can't get to it, lol. Merlot and un-named aren't interacting much, no huge aggression or anything! And to think, I bought them both as bullies! Name... name... what's in a name... I want something representing the big maroon's coloration and temperment by her name... I guess Merlot will be a he after all. Heh.

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