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Picky reefer wants a fish


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Nessie needs to stay where she is. And yes I am picky, and am not in the least ashamed to say it. I have higher standards; and I don't want something everybody and their dog's uncle already has. I've never been much for 'normal' pets, I like exotics. I hate dogs, and only have 2 cats because my daughter loves em to pieces. We also have a parakeet, but of course its a rare color variant. Basically from what I can gather, is a fish up to $40.00 is fairly common. I'm shopping in the $50.00 plus range, and have not set a max as of yet. Probably somewhere in the neighborhood of $400.00 for now.

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In all seriousness, where can I find a young golden dwarf moray? A specimen like what you have Case? Except I would prefer to buy mine around 6" in length. All the online vendors have none and waiting lists to boot. My local LFS has never heard of them.

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Originally posted by NanoReefTexas

In all seriousness, where can I find a young golden dwarf moray?  A specimen like what you have Case?  Except I would prefer to buy mine around 6" in length.  All the online vendors have none and waiting lists to boot.  My local LFS has never heard of them.



my LFS got one deal is basicaly rare real rare but they aare very hard to come by but the best way to go is bug the LFS's that know what they are doing and get them to custom order one im sure there is more then one lfs in texas start callin around


you wanted rare :)

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I guess I did, now come all the troubles that go with it, heh. :P I called my LFS today, and asked them to check into it for me. I'll be going up there on pay day to see what they can tell me. Hrm... Case, any chance of your LFS getting another, me sending you money and you sending me my new pet? :D

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And I will agree on that Kelpie, most people make me sick for how petty and unempathic they are. But dogs just aren't my cup of tea. Ya see, I kind of had this beautiful Staffordshire Terrier puppy (pittbull). To make a long story short, she got out of her pen, following her sire up to the road, and while daddy got away, she... didn't. By the time I learned of it, getting home from school, all my mom told me was "Hun, we had to put Brandy down today, Butch and her got up on the street, and her entire back half was crushed. She could have been put in a doggy wheel chair but that would have been inhumane." And all I could think was "And you didn't even give me a chance to see her before you enethnetised (sp?) her? You didn't let me say good bye? You didn't let me make that choice for -MY- dog?" Something just died in me that day, and I've never had a dog since. Never will either.

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!!! I found an online vendor that has 2 golden dwarf morays in stock and is getting 2 more this week! No waiting list! And on the lower end of the price spectrum! ($259.00 I think!) Woot! Will share who said vendor as soon as I get my eel *Wants first dibs on available stock*. Will also let you guys know how my eel is doing, and if the vendor is a good one to buy from for the future.

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for some reason it took me long time to read Case's comments, but then I realized that Case does not believe in the use of punctuation marks...even periods! Too cool for school, man. hahah.


Your eel is the bomb!

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Originally posted by Tigahboy

for some reason it took me long time to read Case's comments, but then I realized that Case does not believe in the use of punctuation marks...even periods!  Too cool for school, man.  hahah.  


Your eel is the bomb!


as i said beer and no sleep does not help any not to mention my lazzyness...

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"I don't sleep cuz sleep is the cousin of death..."


Sorry for the digression, NanoReefTexas...I'll stop now, promise...I'm out.

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Originally posted by Tigahboy

"I don't sleep cuz sleep is the cousin of death..."


Sorry for the digression, NanoReefTexas...I'll stop now, promise...I'm out.




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if you want a cool eel get a chestnut eel. they only get 12" long as well and they are MUUUUUUCH cheaper.


10g would be fine for them as long as they have lots of rock to hide in and the top is on good...just make sure its not a viper eel and your good to go

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Hey ReeferNanoTexas!


I found the ultimate RARE fish for you! Since you mentioned earlier that an increase in price usually correlated to an increase in rarity/uniqueness, I think you should look into getting the beautiful Resplendent Pygmy Angelfish...


It's a reef-safe angelfish and only grows up to 2"!


Price Tag: $999.99


and it's available at liveaquaria.com


p.s. to Case - WE CAUGHT YOU USIN' PUNCTUATION MARKS! cats out of the bag now, buddy.


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Hey Again Reefers,


Ya I already checked out the colors on that $1000.00 angel, it's totally cool, but beyond what I can afford for now. Besides, if I bought a fish -THAT- expensive, and it died, (and from what I can tell, angels aren't very ready to accept food generally, and are hard to keep. I don't by any stretch consider myself an advanced saltwater aquariast. Goddess, if I killed that fish I would kick myself so hard I might take years to recover.) I would feel so guilty and irresponsible. A high price tag often means more difficult to keep. The Interruptus angel offers the same dilema to me, and I really don't think my 10 gallon is the place for an angel. They need alot of swimming room. Believe me, it broke my heart when I learned I couldn't keep a Christmas Island Flame Angel in that tank. But I have plans in motion for a 300 (or larger) Ultraquarium by Tenecor. And that baby will be stocked with beauties so expensive, that it will probably take me decades to fill it. But that's ok by me, after all, the more pricey a fish or piece of equipment is, the longer you have to wait to buy the next thing. Which translates to an all the more stable system when you do eventually make that purchase, and building a reef slowly over time, which has to be done anyway. Now to keep my toddler (and soon to arrive newborn) away from the tank! >.< No easy task, let me tell ya!




Show me pics of a Chestnut eel, it sounds like a drab brown, not my style at all. Yes, I am guilty of discriminating against drab/brown corals and fish. Only the most bright and beautiful get a place in my tanks. However, a reddish hued chestnut might earn a second glance.


Also, checked out AquaDesignz's eel, it has the most incredible coloration of any I've seen yet, but it has yellow eyes, not the blue eyes I am used to seeing on the dwarf golden moray. This concerns me that it might not be a dwarf golden moray. What do you think Case?

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a word of advice about eels. you have to have a realy tight fitting lid because they are great escape artists and i know i wouldn't want to find a $260 animal dead on the floor let alone any animal dead. also eels can live for a while out of water and they can crawl all over the place. so all in all i suggest that you get a really tight fitting lid!


also good luck with your eel

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Thankyou Thunil,


While I appreciate the advice, I already knew about the escape artist problem. However, you seem to be educated about it, care to offer hints and tips to making a secure lid? Currently I have a crappy, cheap plastic black hood that came with the PetsMart bought tank. Do you think the eel could push its way out of this? Should I weight it down with something? I was thinking for the openings in the back, I could get some fine wire mesh and secure that with liquid nails. Ouu! Thought! I could buy one of those reptile styled tops for lots of ventilation and just lay my plastic hood on top of it! Wait a sec, that still leaves me needing to cut a couple holes for equipment that will need to be very tight fitting... Or could go ahead and set up a sump, less holes that way. Just holes for water flowing in, and water flowing out. What'cha think?

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hey Tex remember the Species name i gave u for the golden dwarf make sure ur getting that species name or you will end up with a larger varient...


Just yesterday i was in my LFS who had what was labeld "Baby golden dwarf" but some thing looked off i walked over to their book rack and sure enugh its not a golden dwarf it is one that gets up to 3ft or so and it was def a baby at only 5in


so just a heads up

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The reptile lid seems like a cool idea...easy to cut as well. I even have like 4 such lids for my gecko terrariums, and that idea never crossed my mind until you said it. :


Be careful of the moray's bite as well...Someone just told me his snowflake jumped at him while he attempted to feed him by hand.


Oh..and what about a mystery wrasse? Those are beautiful fish and are more in the price range you stated...like $250.

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From what I can tell the eels are a lot like snakes, expert escape artists, now this is my suggestion. I keep several species of snakes (western hognose, jungle carpet python, and a Hogg Island boa) and they can squeeze threw just about anything. My best lid I found was just a plain screen top that had security latches to latch it down nice and tight you might want to try that, although it might be an eye sore =/ I remember the one time my carpet python got out and I found it a day later curled up under my VCR, it sure gave my mom a startle when she went to a put video in and its head poked out from under there =)

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Ok, got it. Am going to 3 LFS's tomarrow (Pay day! Woot!) to browse and probably buy some stuff. I miss having my snakes, but hubby won't let me have one. *pout* I LOVED my Columbian Red Tailed Boa, he was beautiful, and very docile. I would get home from school, and take him out all the time, and sometimes on rare occasion if I was supposed to talk to a teacher/principle after school, guess who I'd go home and pick up first since it was on my time? Needless to say, my "in trouble" visits were always very short. My step mother hated the boa too, which was just fine by me, because I never liked her either, and it kept her out of my room. Heh. I also had a Mexican boa for a time, and a ball python, but Dad the idiot put them in the garage while I was on vacation. No more snake when I got back. I bet the wicked bitc* of the west had something to do with convincing him to relocate my babies. GRRR! Anyway... I can hardly wait to get my moray. I bet that appearence scared your mom good, sorry for that. And Scott (Case), if that isn't a Dwarf Golden Moray (since it's lacking the blue eyes), can you give me a species name and mature size for it? It's the one at this link:




The guy says he's had it in his tank over a year and it's maintained 11".

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i don't know that much about eels (just know that i might have one in my 47g reef) but there is a guy on reef central, his user name is rjwilson37 sign up on reef central and talk to him about. he has a snowflake eel in his 55g reef.


good luck

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