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Picky reefer wants a fish


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Hey Reefers,


I would really like to have a fish in my 10 gallon nano. Trouble is, I am over kill picky. I like mandarins, but the flaming mandarin police sent that hope down the tubes, even with a dedicated sump stocked with a starter 500 pod culture. I LOVE flame angels, but they're too big for a 10 even if they have it to themselves. I don't like gobies really, every jawfish I've seen sucks, clowns get too big for a nano of my size as adults... So there goes my hope to have a maroon. I absolutely hate damsels. Dwarf lions are even too big. So what's left? I thought about keeping a blue ring octopus for a while. I know how deadly they are, that's half of the appeal. But then I thought to myself, I have a very curious 2 year old that loves mom's reef, and am about to have a newborn. Exnay on the blue ring idea. I am starting to get extremely frustrated. I thought about a royal gramma, but they too get too big, besides, they're so common. I want something everybody else doesn't already have. I also want very bright and intensely colorful. I'm about ready to give up on having a fish...

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what about a six-line wrasse? also royal grammas don't get to big for a nano. ocellaris, percula clowns are good, firefish are great.


how big is your sump? if is big enough (like anything bigger than a 5 gallon) you could have something like 2 firefish and a sixline wrasse or something.

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hey Tex, first off blue rings have alot made of them, but there toxin is far less potent than what the bacteria in you spoiled chicken has cooked up! Also, you have to vex the hell out of an octipi to get it to bite you. At any rate, cephalopods are all short lived and hard to keep, so you made the right choice. as far as fish go, man, think clowns! they are bright (to the point of overkill) get to know the people who feed them, easy to find and hey, a lot of these guys are aquacultured!

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Thanks for the quick responses everyone. Well, if clowns are an option, could I keep a white stripe maroon if I bought it as a 3/4" - 1" baby? I really love them, and I plan on upgrading to a much larger tank in a couple of years. We're talking 300 gallons of very rawr reef! But when I get to that point, I definately want a majestic angel. For now, back to the relevant tank. A blue ring's life span is known to me, and if they live for 6 months at least, I will easy spend $50 for one. However, I am very leary. Curious toddler hands very often innocently vex animals unintentionally just trying to touch and pet. I think it would be a wiser and far more responsible choice to wait until my kids are at least older teens to aquire such an animal. I also intend to get a poison dart frog tropical terrarium set up at that point, which will include the infamous golden dart frog (p. terribilis). All of my stock will be CB of course. Far less toxic, and promoting less wild harvesting. As for the 6 line, I know they have that perk of eating flat worms, or was it bristle? Or both? But again, they're too common. I want something not everybody in the hobby has. I have money to spend, I want a really sweet tank set up. I am now looking into the possibilities of buying a golden dwarf moray eel. According to reccent research, they get up to 10" long and are about as thick as a magic marker when fully grown. Sounds like a good nano sized critter, considering they hide alot, only poking their head out of the rock. I am looking for hte bright yellow golden color, so I expect to dish out between $300 - $500 US dollars. Don't currently have a sump, was thinking of adding one for the mandarin. I'll still add one, just not as soon as I intended previously. Also, I found a 75 watt VHO Coralife light at hello lights. Is this sufficient to raise what I want in corals and have them keeping their beautiful colors until I can upgrade to metal halide?

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ever seen a yellow watchman goby? I love those things. beautiful


And I currently have a pink psuedochromis. It is absolutely gorgeous, but you cant keep any other goby in the tank with it.


And you can keep it with aggressive fish. I had one in my 10gal with a velvet damsel (little bully) and the damsel soon pissed off the chromis and received a harsh asskicking- they were fine later

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If you want something small rare and colorful try this.




Here are a couple more uncommmon gobies that aren't very expensive.





I love these wrasses.







These are very cool rare and stay small.





These are great little rare guys. Try for a mated pair.




Some of these are rare and others are little more common, but great small reef fishes.









These dwarf angels may get a little big for you tank, but you might want to check them out.






Here are some dwarf eels.



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Here is just an idea from one texan to another. I wanted something that not alot of ppl have but was beautiful and would get along with a clown.


Thus Pheonix came into my life. He is a beautiful red fire fish with a stunning red tail, purple and yellow markings on face and belly which is white...cost me 14 bucks. They are shy at first, but give 'em a half a week and they will swim all over the tank.


I am adding a clown this week...hopefully the clown won't pick on him...fire fish are really peaceful, but will die of stress if they are picked on too much.


Anyways, hope this gives you an option!


They have purple ones too

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NFT you're doing a vivarium? email me pics when you get it done, i keep 'infer alanis' D. tinctorius. im re doign their viv.



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Go buy a beta and a 1 gallon tank and call it good since you hate just about every kinda fish available to the hobby.



Originally posted by NanoReefTexas

Hey Reefers,


I would really like to have a fish in my 10 gallon nano.  Trouble is, I am over kill picky.  I like mandarins, but the flaming mandarin police sent that hope down the tubes, even with a dedicated sump stocked with a starter 500 pod culture.  I LOVE flame angels, but they're too big for a 10 even if they have it to themselves.  I don't like gobies really, every jawfish I've seen sucks, clowns get too big for a nano of my size as adults...  So there goes my hope to have a maroon.  I absolutely hate damsels.  Dwarf lions are even too big.  So what's left?  I thought about keeping a blue ring octopus for a while.  I know how deadly they are, that's half of the appeal.  But then I thought to myself, I have a very curious 2 year old that loves mom's reef, and am about to have a newborn.  Exnay on the blue ring idea.  I am starting to get extremely frustrated.  I thought about a royal gramma, but they too get too big, besides, they're so common.  I want something everybody else doesn't already have.  I also want very bright and intensely colorful.  I'm about ready to give up on having a fish...

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Thankyou for your less than constructive imput Format32, last time I checked, a forum is for information gathering, which is what I'm trying to do, so buzz off. As for the rest of you, all your ideas are very helpful and appreciated. Espescially Fishermania with all those wonderful pic inclusive links. And Dragon Lady, I'll let ya know. It may be a while though, as I keep buying reef and pet things, and keep putting the purchase of a digital camera on the back burner. Besides, I don't plan on posting any pics until I have something pretty enough to be worth posting. But my vivarium will be sure to include p. terribilis, and d. azures. Maybe a few others, I'm considering possibly setting up smaller dedicated species tanks insted of a large oasis. Not sure what I'm gonna do yet. Anyhow, back to reefing. The Hawian eel looks to be a dwarf golden moray, which I was considering anyway. I am very interested in several of those links, thankyou so much, for everybody that gave their imput.

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Hey Doc,


No, this is my 3rd marine tank. My first foray into salt water was back when I still lived with my grandparents, and Granny and I were both muddling through learning how to try to do it. This was before we had the internet mind you, and relied almost solely on what our LFS told us, with our fresh water experiance as a common sense guideline. In that tank, a 55 AGA, I kept a fuzzy dwarf lion, a blue linka, and assorted damsels. After I left the nest a few years later, I bought an Eclipse 12 and intended to set it up as my first reef. Well, the POS LFS I bought it from neglected to tell me (in a hurry to SELL! SELL! SELL!) that the kind of lights I would be needing for what I wanted to keep weren't made for the Eclipse 12. At the time, I was royally pissed and devestated, because I had no clue retrofits existed. Anyhow, I wound up only being able to keep a drab reddish brown mushroom, and it sucked. I was SO beyond pissed at that LFS, and I never go there anymore unless I absolutely need something the other two pet shops don't have. (Or on extremely rare occasion to browse their salt water tanks if I just have an itch) The people there are SO snobby and arrogant. BTW, this store I'm ranting about is Pam's Pets in Abilene. Last time I stopped in and asked if they could even order in Montipora Danae, the guy stared at me like I was an idiot and said there was only one kind of coral that was called a montipora. I justed nodded kind of sarcasticly, and smirked. Anyhow... This is my 3rd tank, and 2nd attempt for a nano reef. I am seriously considering just tearing down my 10 gallon and setting up a 2.5 nano until I can get moved to Galveston. I'm planning for a Tenecor Ultraquarium of 300 gallons plus. Hubby is going to let me loose with the tax return, and oh have I got plans... heh

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Oh, I forgot, the "expert" at Pam's Pets said all the online forums are full of BS. West Texans, you know who I'm talking about. The idiot with the glasses. Dave.

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Originally posted by NanoReefTexas

Thanks for the quick responses everyone.  Well, if clowns are an option, could I keep a white stripe maroon if I bought it as a 3/4" - 1" baby?  I really love them, and I plan on upgrading to a much larger tank in a couple of years.  We're talking 300 gallons of very rawr reef!  But when I get to that point, I definately want a majestic angel.  For now, back to the relevant tank.  A blue ring's life span is known to me, and if they live for 6 months at least, I will easy spend $50 for one.  However, I am very leary.  Curious toddler hands very often innocently vex animals unintentionally just trying to touch and pet.  I think it would be a wiser and far more responsible choice to wait until my kids are at least older teens to aquire such an animal.  I also intend to get a poison dart frog tropical terrarium set up at that point, which will include the infamous golden dart frog (p. terribilis).  All of my stock will be CB of course.  Far less toxic, and promoting less wild harvesting.  As for the 6 line, I know they have that perk of eating flat worms, or was it bristle?  Or both?  But again, they're too common.  I want something not everybody in the hobby has.  I have money to spend, I want a really sweet tank set up.  I am now looking into the possibilities of buying a golden dwarf moray eel.  According to reccent research, they get up to 10" long and are about as thick as a magic marker when fully grown.  Sounds like a good nano sized critter, considering they hide alot, only poking their head out of the rock.  I am looking for hte bright yellow golden color, so I expect to dish out between $300 - $500 US dollars.  Don't currently have a sump, was thinking of adding one for the mandarin.  I'll still add one, just not as soon as I intended previously.  Also, I found a 75 watt VHO Coralife light at hello lights.  Is this sufficient to raise what I want in corals and have them keeping their beautiful colors until I can upgrade to metal halide?



If money is not a issue Golden Dwarf Morray is the way to go 200 to 300 more is over priced imo


if kept happy and fed they should leave smaller crustations shrimp and hermits alone when i say smaller i mean what will fit in thier mouths


Full grown is 12in

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the question is... is 10g too small... i dont know ive seen them in 20g and my tank is a 36g bowfront so i dont know this one is small as you can see compared to the clam and hes 12in this one

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How big do those morays get? She's a beaut...do you have other fish in there? I'm sure one of those would eat my tiny tiny hi fin banded goby or firefish. :(

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and as long as they are kept happily fed and use to being fed on a schedule they should not bother anything the golden dwarf morrays tend to be easily spooked and keep to them selvs


theres 2 clowns that swim in front of his face all the time and he just goes on with his bizzness

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Originally posted by TheLadyDragon

NFT you're doing a vivarium? email me pics when you get it done, i keep 'infer alanis' D. tinctorius. im re doign their viv.




cool, I also keep some dendrobates and I breed leos:) I have a 50 gallon mixed tank right now with auratus, azureus, and tinctorius. dart frogs rule;) :)

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Will do Dan,


But like I said, it's gonna be a while before I set that project up. Golden dwarf moray sounds like an option worth checking out (currently can't find anywhere that has em in stock). Also thought about a seahorse tank already, but decided that when I get ready to do that I'm gonna set up a dedicated hexagon of around 30 gallons, with a purple sea whip, a red sea fan, an orange tree sponge, and maybe a select few other things. Ocean Rider Fire Reds and Sun Fires are awesome.

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