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Innovative Marine Aquariums

My 10 gallon work in progress


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Here it is. Let me know what you guys think.



Oops I cut off a branching hammer with 2 heads on the left side from the pic.



The quality of my digicam sucks.



My fuge, airstone skimmer filtration combo. Housing a small piece of caluerpa, chaeto, and unidentified macro.

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You mean a full tank shot that shows my lighting and everything?

The first pic is pretty much my whole tank minus a 2headed hammer frag on the left side.

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The fuge is a modified ac500. The light is a clipon I bought at an LFS. 13w pc running a 6500k bulb. Chaeto growth is VERY slow under it...but it's cool my nitrates still stay below 5ppm.

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Originally posted by supernip

is that an aqualight plus or aqualight pro?


U mean the light for my tank??


All I know is that its the coralife 96w aqualight. Don't even know there was a plus and a pro model.

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I picked up some wannabe PPE frag today and did some changes in aquascape...here are the pics.


Full tank shot:



Here are my wannabe PPE's. The purple acro propped in the corner of the tank will be mounted as soon as I pick up some superglue from the store. Also has a nice close up of the cup coral I got recently :D



Closeup of my new staghorn hermit. I saw him at the LFS. He was pricey for a hermit at 10 bux but I couldn't resist.



Shot of the left side of my tank with the hammer that was cutoff in the original pictures.



Better shot of my best invested piece of equipment ever. AC500 with surface skimmer housing chaeto and unidentified macro on the far left. Anyone know what macro that is?



Anyway here are my tank specs:


-Cheapy 10 gallon AGA tank

-Modified AC500 Fuge with surface skimmer attachment and Coralife airstone skimmer mounted inside.

-Coralife 96w powerquad aqualight.

-Cool bendable 13w pc clipon to light fuge.

-Semi-dependable rio mini powerhead.


Inhabitants include:

Bicolor pseudochromis

Yellow clown goby

Like 6 or 7 blue leg dwarf hermits

Electric blue hermit

Scarlett red hermit

Staghorn hermit

2 Bumblebee snails

6-7 Margarita snails


Corals include:

Green hammer

Brown acro

Purple acro

Yellow cup

Various zoo's

Nappy red mushrooms that i really dislike

2 headed candycane frag

GSP's that aren't that green


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i like the really blueish look of the tank,


i am thinking about a ac500 fuge of a ac300


i would be interested in a skimmer but i dont lke that big attachment so ill prolly just buy the filter for a fuge


still undecided

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the blueish look is more a camera trick than anything. I turned down the whitebalance of my digital camera cuz i think the picture looks clearer that way. The powerquad fixture looks just white...a little too white for my tastes. Looks like I'm upgrading to MH anyway in the near future.

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How did you attach the flare nozzle to your PH? I've got two MJ 606's that I want to do that to, but I can't find the right size.




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30 bux at the lfs...it's made in china by some unknown company...can't help u guys much except if you live in the los angeles area...sorry.

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Thanks...I got rid of my ugly mushroom rock and put in a couple new zoo frags. My purple acro seems to be coloring more too.


Here are some updated pictures.







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Something ate my staghorn...I only had it for a week.


And I also gave the clown goby back to lfs, it kept rubbing up on my acros irritating the polyps.

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