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how to frag zoas


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How do most ppl frag their zoas, especially when they are attached to a big piece of LR. I have seen ppl frag 3-4 polyps for sale and was wondering how they did it. Do you break the rock apart? pulls the zoas off and snip it?


and feed back would be great, thanks

sorry for the poor pic quality, dont have my own cam so i borrowed the one from work

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oooh man. i think that i wouldn't break that rock. you have your work cut out for you. you may have to cut/scrape the polyps off to get to smaller frags (definately wear gloves for this job). your major problem is that that rock appears to have a lots of nooks and crannies. another trick would be to attach rocks close to the colony, which hopefully will grow over attached rock, and remove when there's enough polyps on the new rock. however, that may take some time.

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thanks etoh

what would u use to scrape it off? x-acto knife? and would you take the rock out of the water or do it under water?

i was fortunate that the frag i bought with about 15 polyps grew to this size, but i just dont want it to get out of hand. the other side is covered up pretty well, i would say the whole rock has about 130+ polyps


thanks again

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take the rock out of the tank. you're bound to cut some polyps and they'll just ooze their juices. you can use a x-acto or knife. you basically want to not cut the polyps, but scrape polyp away with the rock directly under it. if you get grit more than polyps, you're doing good. may want to check garf.org for additional tips. i've read so many things over the last few months that i've forgotten my polyp fragging sources of info.


bryan (sp?) from logical reef contributed to an old fragging thread here on nr. may also want to look that one up. time to start searching.

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