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Coral Vue Hydros

My last photo shoot of the 12 gallon EVER!


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Hi everyone. Some of you may already know me and have seen my tanks progression over the years. It was a long journey for me and I have gained so much knowledge from everone I've worked with and people I've met in this great hobbie.

I want to share the last photo shoot taken 7 days before my tank crashed hard. I live in Nor-Cal and go to College in So-Cal. So when it comes to moving I have to take my tank with me each year. This is a normal experience, however I made a drastic error that ended years of dedication to my reef. I emptied some of my tank water into a 5 gallon jug to take with me, along 2 other jugs: salt mix, and R.O., After the 5 1/2 hour drive I set my tank back up and make the fatal mistake of pouring one of the identical R.O. jugs instead of the tank water one.

With such a low salinity my corals were basicly bathing in brackish water. I instantly see that the corals are stressed, however I thought it was the normal car ride that bothered them. Hours go buy and they are slothing off tons of mucus, 4 sexy shrimp, 1 pistol shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp, 6 astrea's, and 5 hermets are dead.

I'm not going to go into describing my emotions at this time. Lets just say I was crushed. Let this all be a lesson to everyone. I thought I had a bullet proof reef up untill I made a simple mistake and ended everything. Double check everything while working in and around your reef. Don't go into auto pilot mode like I did and make a deadly error.

Anyways heres the picks. If you want to see pics of my tank looks like now, just imagine a milky tank full of dirty sand and a single maroon clown. Being I am such a motivated person and I do have the drive to rebuild you will see a tank again. I will always be a proud member of nano-reef and continue to add my 2 cents in the forums. You will still see me next summer at the Aquarium in Concord.

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I remember being apart of a truly heated debate back when threads like "how many wpg (watts/gallon) for a clam?" and "Maxima's under PC?" were everywhere. I rarely see any post like that anymore. Just to let everone know you can keep Maxima's under PC. Get a small one because they filter feeds more than photosyntheticly feed compared to larger maximas. I had this one for over a year. Noob's don't just toss them in to your freshly cycled 2.5 gallon, stable and established tanks only. Sorry Clam, I guess I did kill him in the end.

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This is the only reminder of my tank besides the pictures I own. Clown has been through some truly rough times, and I am thankful that he survived. I remember when I got him 1 1/2 years ago I had to FW dip him every day because he kept getting ich, than months later he had fin rot to the point where his fins were nubs and he could barely fight the current. I've seen him host to everything from GSP and Xenia to my Live rock. Now that hes made it this far I will treat him to a nice rose anemone he can enjoy his life in.

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hey man, when you set up your new tank, let me know, i'll throw some zoo frags in a thermos and send em your way. sorry bout the tank crash, i just moved from vacaville up to sacramento for school...now i know to be extra extra careful about what i do with my tank.

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That is sad. It is good to hear that you aren't quitting the hobby, and you are moving on. Get the tank back up and running and show us some pics!


Take care.

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Sorry about the crash. You have excellent taste and clearly the ability to make something even better so go for it.


When I first joined your tank was one I always oogled over and over again.

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