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29G Seio Pics and Video


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Well it's been 3 weeks and I put in a Seio 820 and 620. Needless to say I made some more frags by accident and some rearranging (constant for the cap's) was in order but it's to the benefit of the corals as now they get direct MH and good flow. :) The coral colors are slowly coming back (Specifically 2 monti caps) but that's expected. Next time I move I'm setting up a tank at the new place and having it running so that there's no down time minus transit between tanks and lighting.


Right click and save as for the 5.74MB video of the 820flow. Don't worry the PH only went up .1 with the kalk I added (Calfo Slurry method). PH monitors are handy to have.


Click each pic for a Hi Res, 3MP, version:


Full Tank Shot:



Some goodies for the tank. I'm bringing the Alk back up to a proper level and then the CA Reactor is being added in probably the next week I'm hoping (I've only had it for a year). Kangaroo 324 has a bad motor but once I fix that I'm building a Kalk reactor as well:



More Zoo's added:



Shot of my new light pastel blue zoo's (bulb throws the color off and I'm not a fan of changing any colors on photos I take):



I like SPS :)



A sweet Acro frag growing well:



Squamosa Clam. No less than 10 mins after I finished taking pics lil sob decided to rotate 90 degrees. Growth is good but I think he's pissed about the flow. Time to trade him in and get a nice SPS colony :):



20L thread (pic and video) coming soon.

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Looks great Ox! I'm planning on 2 of the 820 pointed at each other for my 40BDR.


I love your dotty when you add the bubbles......"What the hell is going on out here?" LOL


Do you run it on a wavemaker?

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i thought about getting a seio for my 16, but decided they are a bit large. when i upgrade to a 40 breeder, i'm getting two though.


what codec is the video encoded with? i can't get it to play in WMP 9

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OTF-Should do quite well. I never should have sold my 30BR. I didn't realize what I had until it was gone. :( No wavemaker on these. Supposedly they are coming out with controllable ones soon. I had thought about waiting but I had to get a new MH bulb so I pulled the trigger. :)


Phil-Takes a while but it'll get there. Let me know and I'll help you in anyway I can.


trmiv-Yeah I had the same thought process but I decided to go for it since I don't mind the intrusiveness. I may redo the layout with 1 at each end of the tank and rip out the other MJ1200's minus the feed one for the reactor. The mounting mechanisms are a PITA for small tanks though.


Video is avi thru my canon digital camera. I'm going to convert it to WMV. BTW WMP 10 is out for XP. ;)http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=34680

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  • 4 weeks later...

ox i need to come down and see ya and maybe bring some stuffs for a swap. since i know you have stuff i don't and vice-versa. i might be looking for?

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I tried on mine and it blew my softies away. Too strong for my soft corals. I have mixture of hard and soft. I like it that way but I can't figure out how to have strong water current for my sps when I can keep the softies at the same time.

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Originally posted by mattie

ox i need to come down and see ya and maybe bring some stuffs for a swap. since i know you have stuff i don't and vice-versa. i might be looking for?


Anytime. I'm trying to bring a small algae outbreak under control. Finally got some drapes up in the room so that should help. The major PITA is siphoning out the deritrus on the bottom of the tank in corners I can't get to. What all are you looking for?


I need to come to Raleigh and swing by ChadB's and a few other places.


Originally posted by bladze

I tried on mine and it blew my softies away. Too strong for my soft corals. I have mixture of hard and soft. I like it that way but I can't figure out how to have strong water current for my sps when I can keep the softies at the same time.


Yeah it's a bit much in a small tank for softies. My 10G started out as softies then the SPS bug kicked in with freebies that are still with me today with much better coloration. You could try arranging the softies away from the SPS so that you could have hiflow in one area of the tank and let the random currents from that hit the softies say on the bottom of the tank etc. (would work well with clams-I took my clam out b/c too much flow was pissing it off).

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Bad news.


Took out a MJ1200 yesterday and rearranged the SEIO's (one on either side). Took off the AC Mini with the Ice Probe to be cleaned. Shrugged off cleaning it to go drink beer at Octoberfest (I tried around 35 or so beers out of 200). Temps hadn't been bad lately and with the balcony door and windows open everything was cool. Get back this am. Take temp 86 prior to the halide turning on. Turn it on just to have a look. One acro was rtn'ing. At first I thought it was just some mucous so I grabbed the baster and sucked it out. Along came polyps and tissue.... Unfortunately the room temp is cranked up around 82 right now. Working on getting it down but the f'n AC sucks to get into this room. What I get for getting a pool view apt aka sunlight all day. Right now the room and the tank is cooling down. Nothing else has RTN'd but I'm not holding my breath. The acro's are pretty pissed but everything else seems alright. Might be a blessing in disguise. We'll see. Updates and pics tomorrow.

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Originally posted by Neon

like the zoos :D


I've got better ones now. ;)


Mattie-I'm gonna sell my CA reactor package and probably the MH setup as well if you're interested or know anyone that is. No need to put it on the tank now I fear. I think I may just go back to lower SPS and zoo's and run a T5 hood over the tank. I'm really not looking forward to going home after work today...

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Will do. Let me figure out what I'm going to do first depending on how bad the tank reacts (can take a few days to see the full effect I hear).

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IMO just do a huge water change and bring the temp down and just check if all your levels are within reason.. and maybe lower the time for the mh to be on be an hour or 2per day for a week or so..... i would for your sake hope that every thing just comes back and you just leave it as it sits but keep me informed...... whats that you said you have more zoo's............ hmmm

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I may do a large water change tomorrow. Fortunately I filled up my mixing tank yesterday so I only have to mix the water tonight and let it aerate overnight. This am the tank looked good with just room lights on and the temp was lower. 80 or 82 (I had just woken up). I had the MH on for 4 hours yesterday vs. the normal 7. It fires up in an hour so I may go home and check it all out and mix some fresh saltwater.

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Hey Ox,


That sucks....I had a Temp spike that was above 86 (off the chart basically!). I brought it down with ice in a ziplock baggy. Everything was ok after. Maybe that colony was stressed prior to the temp swing?

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Nah I'm pretty sure it was the swing. I went thru 6 bags of ice. Problem was the ambient room temp was 83 so I was pretty much SOL. So far the RTNing colony has rtn'd more and I've seen bleaching on other corals so hopefully just one RTN and the rest bleaching will be the only toll. Damn purple psuedochromis is alive and kicking. Meanest fish I've ever owned. If the tank crashes he's being banished to another tank and I'm stocking this tank with zoo's, caps, digitata and fish. Nothing else. :)

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