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My Leather is melting


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Part of my leather sloghed off today .. it has been laying down for a couple week and today part the top just kinda melted off. Will this crash my tank ? should I leave it ??


I tried to remove part that was seperated and on the rock and it broke up into pieces. One large piece ended up in the mouths of my Zooanthids.



What should I do ??

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when i was a noob to it all fo thw reef tanks,I got a leather after having it for like a week it had tured all brown the melted so I picked it out of the tank and then it had feel apart so i fished it out with a fish net ..... but what it was that my water was bad it haded a CRAP load of salt in it so what i am tying to say is test ur water

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Translation of what omens-reef07 had to say:


When I was new to having a reef tank, I also got a leather. After it was in my tank, it turned brown and melted. I tried to pick it out of the tank, but it fell apart. I had to fish it out of the tank with a fish net. It ends up that my leather melted because my salinity was too high. My suggestion is for you to test your water.


See, using a little punctuation is not all that tough. And spelling is good too. And complete sentences, those are not a figment of your imagination.



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if it's melting it's dying/dead. remove it and see if you can cut away the decaying part (if you can stand the stink, most likely not :x ).


if you do cut, cut away generously. even into some healthy tissue if that's the case. you don't want any part of the decay left. this includes floating crap in the tank. siphon it out and do a water change at the very least.


note: i usually follow any cutting procedure with a dose of iodine (preferably lugol's). i use it more as an antiseptic. about 1-drop per 20g per week. anything under, that i dose the full amount anyways but you can also dilute and administer. (altho the other half would not be as effective in a couple of days as I- is unstable to oxygen and light)

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Good god you were right ... That is one godawful smell. I took out the rock and the whole thing just slid off. So I tossed it all. 50$ down the drain .. lol


I should have removed and cut away a week ago.


Thanks your your help tiny

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man that us not nace writingpolice i can doo just fin but it is affter a long day a school when i dont give a poop it is not work or school it is just people talking about reef tanks so be nice

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Writtenpolice didn't even use correct english as well. "Got", you would recieve a few points off an English paper. How about we try, recieved or aquired?

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This thread reads like it belongs on stupidgrammar.com. How about the real issue!


Kingtech- I had a cladellia( a type of softie ) not to long ago that was healthy and growing and for some reason also crashed. It had 3 stalks and when expanded it was about 8 inches across . I have a feeling that because of its size, some of its branches were touching other corals intermittently and the stinging eventually led to its demise. It also melted. I ended up taking out the rock and took a razor blade and cut it off flush to the rock and put in a refugium. Two months later I had 3 new stalks, biggest one being 2 inches tall. Moral- don't be so quick to throw away. As was previously stated, cut off bad tissue and see what happens.

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"i" before "e" except for "c" ...good way to keep it straight.


sorry for contributing to the digression of this thread...just brought back memories of elementary school days learning the "rules" of spelling.

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