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Fragging a Xenia


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Hello All,


Let me begin by saying how helpful and informative this borad has been. I've had a 10 gallon tank for two years and just decided to try a nano-reef setup. I have a 32W PC and a 15 watt triton flourescent on the tank right now. Inhabitants include a perc clown, a royal dottyback, and CBS. Corals include some shrooms, polyps and lastly my fav, the xenia. I have had the xenia for a month and its pretty big. I would like to frag it but need some tips. I've heard you could use a razor but how close to the base is "safe" to cut it. Also once I cut it, where can I put it?


Any suggestions.

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Welcome to nano-reef.com! Fragging Xenia is fairly easy to accomplish. Here is a link that shows one way to do it. http://garf.org/MPegs/XeniaPropagation.html


I prefer a slightly different technique for mounting that I think is easier than Garf.org's netting method. After I cut the arm of Xenia I want to frag (using kitchen shears sorry honey), I just stick the base of it in the sand at the bottom of the tank in a low flow area. After a day or two, the Xenia grabs onto the sand with its base. Then I just take some Zap Gel and glue the sand that the Xenia is holding to whatever the frag is going on. I have used this method a few times now, and it has worked well.


Hope this helps,



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Another way to do this that I prefer, wedge a small piece of LR up against the stalk you want to frag....In about 7 Days it will completely incrust and attatch to the rubble rock...Once this happens, Cut it away from the main rock, Instant xenia

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  • 6 months later...

hehe, I tried that GARF method of attaching one, but it also attached to the netting :P




Now I just put them in a cave against some rubble, or put tiny ones inside snail shells making a planter out of em.

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I actually cut as close to the base as I can. then I take a small piece of rubble and I put a needle and thread through the xenia i cut off and tie it around the rubble in a couple of days the base encrusts on the rubble and i pull out the string. I actually read to do this on leathers but i figured what the heck. let us know what you decide on doing.

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Just an idea... as this is what I do after seeing a friends tank who does the same thing.


Keep your xenia on the glass. You can leave most of it on the sides of your tank out of the way, but still in view. Since xenia is such a fast grower, you can easily remove and propagate it this way.


Of course you wouldn't want to do this if the xenia is to be one of your show corals, but it's really helpful if you plan to take a few frags to sell to the LFS every once in a while.



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