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what's your photo-period like?


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I have the actinic blue on for 12 hours and the mh on for 11. (1/2 hour before and after for sunrise and sunset effect). I also have direct sunlight hitting the fuge in the am and at night I hit the fuge with a 13w pc.

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i had one 175w mh on a twelve hour cycle. but when i ordered another and installed it i noticed that my live rock started to bleached and had to lower my light cycle to 10 hours

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My 20L is adjacent to my sliding back door. I open the curtains at 8:30AM and it gives a kind of dusk effect to the tank. At 10:30 AM one of my actinic 55w pcs come on and at 11:00 AM my 10000K 55w pcs come on. All the lights are off by 9:30 PM. My Freshwater 45 hex is right next to this tank and is on a reverse cycle so it kinda acts like a moonlight effect. Good system for me.



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My lights come on at 3pm go off at 1am. I'm not a morning person ;)


My new little tank will come on at noon and go off about 10pm so I'll always have soemthing to look at.

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