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coral suggestion?


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Im looking for a coral that will fit under these conditions... (from most important to least important.) (the tank is a Minibow 5 by the way)

  1. Must be aggressive enough to defend itself against a frog spawn, but not killing it.
  2. will receive 40Watts of PC lighting about 4" away.
  3. need to go right under the water fall of a AC 300 with the 150's impeller.(Iono if thats considered strong current)
  4. will live on LR (no sand corals like brains)
  5. bright or good colors (absolutely no brown)


If it fits most of these conditions, its fine with me.


Heres a list of what I really want for that spot, but don't know if it will survive. (in order of preference from most to least)

  1. Giant hairy mushroom (don't know how it will get along with the frogspawn)
  2. Bubble Coral (don't know if current too strong, I hear they tear easily)
  3. yellow Fiji leather (again don't know how it will get along with the frog spawn)
  4. torch coral (some say it will harm a frog spawn even they are from the same genus, and also I don't know if its a little too aggressive for my tank period, also it might resemble the frog spawn too much and not much color contrast)


Also, I have a green finger leather touching a red mushroom, will they be fine or someone is gunna get their ass kicked?


sorry about the long post, but any response will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You should try and plan your tank so that no corals touch eachother. Its not good for either coral to be touching, even if one can defend itself better.


The only thing I'd suggest letting touch a frogspawn is a hammer or torch. I've done it. They can sit right next to eachother and do no harm.


That said - I think a frogspawn would whoop a mushroom and a yellow leather.

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