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surprise brittle star - may have accidentally killed it


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Somehow a very tiny brittle star ended up in my waste water bucket (water change water).  I didn't check the bucket before dumping it because the tube that drains into it is less than half an inch in diameter.  I will now be checking it...  Anyways I dump it in my bathtub and about 1-1.5 hours later found it in the tub.. I grabbed it and threw it into a bucket with some old sw, can it make it?  Not even sure if I want it in my tank but I'd hate to not give it a chance.  I may have damaged its limbs too and its mouth/center is the size of a poppy seed. 


Anything I should do or just monitor and see if it moves..?


I wasn't aware that I had brittle stars in my tank.... maybe I no longer do lol.  

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If it’s a white one they stay very small and you’ll generally only see their legs waving at feeding time. 


If its it’s not moving by now it’s probably dead, there are likely more though. 

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The mini brittles are beneficial and reproduce in our tanks so you may have more. They can lose legs and survive, not sure how long they can be out of water though.

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Thanks you two, good to know that there are mini brittles I thought it was just a baby but in that case I am less worried about it.  Still gonna try to save it but I won't be heart broken if I did kill it.  I do think it shifted position but I could be imagining it.  Only time will tell!

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I had one that came on a frag. I thought it was pretty cool so I kept it. A couple months later they were everywhere. They are great little critters.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I believe I currently have one that came in on a coral frag that was attached to a piece of rock (I only ever see his little arms poking out). Hoping I get more cause they're neat. 

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