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Astreas acclimation?


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Hi folks,


I've been going really slow with my first nano and have just added 2 Astreas to my tank.


The weird thing is, after acclimation (over 1.5h) they just headed up to the corner of the tank and are hanging out there. One is even slightly out of the water.


My water chemistry has been right on for 8 weeks now, and everything else in the tank seems happy- coralline algae, 2 hermits, the dusters on the live rock, lots of 'pods, etc.. Is this just normal, or do I have something to worry about come Monday while I'm at work?


I assume the snail that's half out of the water is smart enough to go back in?





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this is how I see it. You may have acclimated them, and they'll be fine, but they still wanna get used to the water more? so they go to the top and sit there. This may not be true at all, but it sorta makes sense. Although mine does this on occasion for no reason. I also know that when tide goes out, snails can be out of water because they haven't made it back to the water when the tide left them out. Which means that your snails will be fine like this, and will find it's way back. just my .02




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Snails in general will do this every once in a while... If they aren't active tomorrow, then I would be concerned. In the mean time just realize that they are doing exactly what you said they were doing "hanging out." :) They'll snap out of it... Did you add tank water to the bag slowly durring that 1.5hr?

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Generaly snails are really slow acclimation ( in excess of 4 hours ) they dont like salinity shift. you should check the Store saliniity first, then work from there. they willl be fine.

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I would think it's pretty normal for them to hang out up top for a while. I just stuck my turbo on the glass right at the water level. It took 2 days for him to leave that level in the tank. The first 2 days he just went 'round and 'round in the tank at the surface. Now he's all over the place with no ill effects.

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low tide for them. :P


couple of mine take trips into my prizm, up and over. sometimes i catch them just under the collection funnel. they may hang out for a day or two even. like dave recommends, watch the salinity. also check pH and temp when acclimating.

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Hehehe, tinyreef yours go into the skimmer? Hehehe.


I have all kinds of snails in my tank and I see sometimes that one hangs right next to the waterline. I dont think there is anything to worry about.

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Wow... thanks everyone for the great responses.


Before work this morning, they were both in the middle of the "bowfront" up at the waterline. I guess I'll see how they are tonight..



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they will be FINE. when i bought my 3 astreas for my 2.5 i only had 1/2 hour to acclimate them. then they went in and werent overly active and i was a bit worried but sure e nough in a few days they were COMPLETELY fine. P.s they seem to lijke to work at night, just like my hermits.

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