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Cultivated Reef

i wanna whip my dottyback!


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i just got a clownfish to day and my dottyback will not let him out of the top corner of the tank! will this aggresion subside? i did expect it but i just hopw he stops. anyone been in this situation before?

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Similar situation, my clown will not let another fish live in my 12 gallon. He is teeny teeny teeny, but won't let anything that resembles a clown live in the tank (he pestered my gum drop goby until the little goby stopped feeding). I guess he has claimed the entire tank as his territory! Sometimes aggression will subside, I hope this is what happens in your case!

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dottybacks ! those guys are krzy. One time at the lfs i saw an employee (probably didn't know what he was doin) release a clown from a new shipment into a tank with an arabian dottybacks. That little clown had his guts riped out.

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I had a similar problem when I added another blue devil damselle to my 55gal. When I added the second one my original blue devil (a male) would not stop chasing it. He tore off it's entire tail (literally!). But after about 1 day he stopped which confused me. So I did a little research and found out why, my original blue devil was a male and the one I added turned out to be a female, thank God because I think he would have killed her otherwise (male blue devils have an all blue tail w/ a black border, while females have a completely clear tail). Now he still chases her but instead of biteing her he just leads her to a hole he's dug under one of my rocks ( it is very cool when he does because he will turn from neon blue to jet black w/ white dots [seriously].

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good news, the dotty is now leaving the clown alone and the clown is swimming happily at the top of the tank in the current from the power head. is this normal swimming position? do clowns really like current or somthing?

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Jsut about every clark, percula, and ocellaris I've ever seen has played in the current upon entering a new home. Usually the behavior subsides over time. Although there are always a few who just can't leave that good time behind, and make it a life-long habit.


Pretty damn amusing, if you ask me. My oc's would spend all day swimming into the current, then getting shot across the tank.


However, this behavior can also be an indicator of low disolved oxygen levels in the water. The fish will head to the current to get greater flow over their gills. But if you don't think there's a reason to suspect this, then it's just odd clown behavior, as is normal for them.

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