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Coral Vue Hydros

crazy high calcium readings


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I purchased an API CA test kit and tested the water of my tank...very young (just completed cycling about a week ago).  The calcium reading per this test was 580 PPM!  I ran it twice and got the same result.  My ph is 8.2 and ALK is 10.  I am using Fritz salt and have no corals at this point so is this reading realistic?  Other than live rock there is nothing in there so maybe.  I was going to add purple up to stimulate some coralline algae but I think I will hold off since it adds calcium.  BTW...I don't see any precipitate in the tank which I would assume I would see with calcium that high.  Any thoughts? 

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Bruh. Purple up is just, no. Don't waste your money. The coralline will come. If the Ca is high, it's due to the fact you have nothing using any. Relax, be patient.

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12 minutes ago, hooligan_78 said:

Bruh. Purple up is just, no. Don't waste your money. The coralline will come. If the Ca is high, it's due to the fact you have nothing using any. Relax, be patient.

ha...I am. :-)  My text/tone may not seem that way...most if not all the CA references I have read indicate a mid 400 range so when I see 580 then I wondered if perhaps my test kit was wacked.  as for the purple up...I don't know...had good reviews.  I have it now so will use it from time to time but as you say...not overly concerned.

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11 minutes ago, Duane Clark said:

ha...I am. :-)  My text/tone may not seem that way...most if not all the CA references I have read indicate a mid 400 range so when I see 580 then I wondered if perhaps my test kit was wacked.  as for the purple up...I don't know...had good reviews.  I have it now so will use it from time to time but as you say...not overly concerned.

Dude. You don't need Purple Up. Coralline algae uses calcium. Your tank is new, so don't expect much happening yet. If your calcium levels are good, the coralline will grow. 

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10 minutes ago, hooligan_78 said:

Dude. You don't need Purple Up. Coralline algae uses calcium. Your tank is new, so don't expect much happening yet. If your calcium levels are good, the coralline will grow. 

Yeah I know...I am not planning on using it now.  I'm talking about later...maybe...etc.  I understand it is not needed now which is why I didn't add it. 

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What I'm saying is you don't need it at all. Let's say down the road, you have a nice mixed reef with lots of corals, a good 2 part solution will take care of those needs. 

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5 minutes ago, hooligan_78 said:

What I'm saying is you don't need it at all. Let's say down the road, you have a nice mixed reef with lots of corals, a good 2 part solution will take care of those needs. 

I understand...I really do and appreciate your help.  What I am saying is I have it now so unless it actually causes harm (maybe that is what you are saying), I might as well use it should the need ever arise.  Now if it is crap and will crash the tank then out it goes.  


In all honesty...with this size tank regular water changes will hopefully be all I need (which if I am honest should have realized before I purchased it but...such is life).

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I would personally worry about the salt mix if calcium is that high. I'd test the salt mix before it goes into the tank. Corals will use calcium, but that level is too high to start with.


I also enjoy getting coralline naturally. It has been a fun 6 months watching the stuff grow on everything. I currently have 4 types in the tank (deep red, pink, green and a purple) just from frags. Started with clean dry rock.

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1 hour ago, SaltyBuddha said:

I would personally worry about the salt mix if calcium is that high. I'd test the salt mix before it goes into the tank. Corals will use calcium, but that level is too high to start with.


I also enjoy getting coralline naturally. It has been a fun 6 months watching the stuff grow on everything. I currently have 4 types in the tank (deep red, pink, green and a purple) just from frags. Started with clean dry rock.

I'll test the refill water next.  My live rock is growing out some new critters (looks like some shrooms, macro algae etc) so that's good and I just added my cleaning crew.  I guess I will know soon. 

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Well, something is leeching Ca into my tank.  All I have is live rock and live sand.  My refill water Ca is 420.  My tank has come down a bit to 560.  Have no idea what it could be. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

when you say refill water do you mean top off water or water change water?




I also tend to agree with the other guys, Skip the purple up all together. Coralline algae will come. To me it has become an annoyance having to scrape it off the front and side panels anyways. 

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I figured it out.  I was NOT toping the tank off so every time I was making a water change I was adding more salt.  I have an ATO now and the calcium is sitting around 460. 

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