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Cerith explosion


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I have read numerous places that cerith snails are hard to breed in the home aquarium. Well, I wish that someone would inform my ceriths of this. I never see the eggs, just the babies, and they are everywhere! I purposely haven't scraped the glass, of the green algae in my curing tank, so they could eat. Who knows, maybe I can trade them off (when they are a little bigger). I have also purposely reduced the flow in two areas to check out the claims of them eating cyano. There are two small spots, on the sand, to see if my experiment works or not. I wonder if they will eat it though since they have so much green algae, hmmm. Any thoughts or further info is welcomed and encouraged. Well, it is hard for me to get good pics of some of these little ones, but I will try:


There is nothing, in the background rubble, larger then 1/4":




These are the different sizes in a 1/2" pvc endcap (circumference of a dime):



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you're so lucky to have breeding cerith snails. i haven't lost a cerith in the main tank, well astrea and nerites have come and gone. when do you think you can sale me some?

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Well, im sure if your looking to stop them from breeding....but if you are. I know freshwater snails like to lay their eggs right above the water line on the sides of the tank. You could check there and scrape the eggs off if they are becomming pests.

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I am not looking to stop them, just wanted further info if anyone had any. I would rather have the tank raised to trade, when they get a little bigger, because it could also help out others in the hobby who cannot get them at the lfs and such.

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  • 3 weeks later...

we had 10 cerith snails in our 50 gal at one time. and they breed like jackrabbits. we probably have a couple hundred baby ceriths in the tank right now! most are only a millimeter and very few live much longer, which is natures way but its still pretty cool

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