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what is wrong with my coral


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The first two pics are as of last thursday and the last two are as of today what is wrong and what can i do to fix this.

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have you tested your water? i think that is the first step, after testing i would seriously consider a WC, and one other thing what kind of light do you have on these guys?

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bubba... move it back under the lights... it may be too late though... looks bad.... don't mix iodine into the target food anymore, if you still are...

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Water parameters? How are the other corals doing (if there are any)? What has changed recently? Water change? New bulbs? New coral? etc.

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maybe try only target feeding once every couple of days... the hammer may had soo much food and stuff to digest that it isn't using the lights, stop target feeding it completely...!!! dido for the leather...

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i went to day to my local fish store and they tested my ter and everything checked out ok they told me to do a H2O change so i just finished doing that so i guess now i just have to wait and see.

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all other corals are doing ok (mushrooms,polyps,xenia) just did a water change tonite but the corals were like that before the water change

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if the LFS told you to do a WC then everything did not check out OK. what were the parameters? adding iodine in food? that just seems way out of line, no tank needs that much iodine, especially as young as yours is. as far as target feeding goes, dont even worry about it with good light it shouldnt be an issue.

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Nitrites were a little high, that was the only reason for the WC... sign of a healthy tank, just needed some maintainence... Iodine in the food was an experiment... dosing just as much as the bottle say to...


anyway... hammer corals do not need to be target fed, as we have just learned... there was a buch of food in the base of the hammer... we blew it out and the hammer should be out tomorrow afternoon...


target feeding is great, we've just been doing it too much (everyday for that matter...)

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nitrites a little high? what exactly do you mean a little high? there should be absolutely 0 nitrite in a tank at all times. whoever told you that is a sign of a healthy tank should be shot and dragged behind a cigar boat through a school of sharks. 99% of corals do not require target feeding, providing that you are providing sufficient light, and you should be since that is the #1 requirement of captive corals, that is next to ammonia and nitrite free water with very little if any nitrate. iodine is not needed at all in a nano with regular water changes and could very well be the cause of the problem with the corals, remember that iodine is a very strong antiseptic, and has been found to be DETRIMENTAL to many corals, this stuff is only about .06ppm in seawater. sarcophytons cannot be target fed.


best advice i can give you right now is keep your hands outta the tank, feed the fish lightly, and do weekly 10% water changes, and all should be well. dont even worry about dosing anything except what you test for and know is needed.

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Whats power lights do you have in there? and what is the volume of your tank? How long do you run lights each day?


Initially, it looks like insufficient light to me. (if water parameters are ok) Softies don't need as much light as LPS.

However, those polyps have disappeared way too quickly for it to be light. That level of degradation would take over months.

You say the 1st pic is a week old? Is this truly correct?

What other fish/animals do you have in there? Maybe something has been chewing at it?

Im baffled need more information.

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wow... you didn't read the thread at all...


130 watts

coral has been in there for months now

the exo skeleton around the tissue was full of food.... we blew it out and we'll see what happens...

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there is no mention of lights or tank size previously in this thread at all, the water parameters and dosing/water change schedule are also conspicuously lacking. basically you are giving us no real information to help you with. i still contend that you poisoned the tank with iodine, and the nitrites probably didnt help any either. i will say this it takes a lot to kill a sarcophyton!

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dont mean to be rude but after rereading the thread, i get the feeling that you know exactly what you did wrong and wont man up and admit to it so others can learn from your mistakes.

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sorry sturuomo... i've been posting a several threads and i was sure that i posted the tank specs recently... I already said that agreed about dosing iodine... we've alrady discussed nitrtes....


the problem was that there was too much food in the tank... it tends to cause problems... aquarium keeping 101...


we have a serent star that has eaten all but the bigges turbo snail and all crabs in the tank (minus the dwarf hermits) i have a feeling that and the extra food are the basic causes of the problem...


calcium, iodine, coral vital (could have sworn i typed that)


get off my nuts pyrrhus... arguing on the internet is pointless...

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Each week skip a day or two feeding.

With a 130watts on a 20G should be heaps.

Something has obviously tried to eat it. Weird.

Do a 33% water change if you have already done so.

The sarco should pull out of it. Pretty hardy.

Goodluck dude!


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