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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

My 10G tank


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Hi all,


Here is the pic of my first nano tank.


I think the rock work is kinda over-crowed, but will provide caves and lots of hiding place for my cleaner shrimp and royal gamma.


Any advice/suggestion is welcome.






my tank pic

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cymru adding that many fish in such a small tank in that short a period of time will cause you problems. ie...cyanobacteria, hair algae, nitrite/nitrate, nutrients. Plus those clowns will get to big pretty quickly.

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The fishes and corals are added in a 1/2 month period, of course one by one except for the clowns.


My total water volume is about 40G including fuge and sump. Is bio-load qty take only the main tank volume?


Thanks all for the post. Appreciated them.



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