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Coral Vue Hydros

Cycle complete?


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I'm new to the hobby and I'm quite confused.  I set up my tank last week with only live sand and dry rock,  

I've tested my water and I got this 

ph - 8

Nitrite - 0

Nitrate - 0

Ammonia - 0


Like I probably sound like an idiot but Is the tank cycled?


 I've ordered dr tims nitrifying bacteria and ammonium cloride in case I'm wrong.




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If you started with dry rock you will need a source of ammonia to start  the cycle.  Peopl with say the live sand is enough and that may be true, but it would be slower.  So follow the Dr. Tim instructions on the ammonia and the bacteria when you get them :) 

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If you want a speedier cycle you need to dose ammonia with dry rock or else it will take a much longer time frame to cycle. 


The other option is adding a piece of liverock.



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