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Tank advice


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Hey guys, I've had my tank going for about a year and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I don't know if it's my scape, or coral placement, or what, but it needs some kind of help. Lol ignore the green algae I got in there, I'm working on that. Haha what do you guys think so far, any advice on how to make the tank badass? Thanks lol also, this Vortech mp10 I have on the right side seems to be so much flow even on very low setting. My elegance coral all the way in the bsck seems annoyed now. Ive moved it around all over and just can't pin point where it should be. I'm horrible at this haha 




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You could change the scape.

Take the rocks on the sand and put them on top of the others to build more height.


1 on top of the centre rock with the hole and the other rock on top the rock where the torch is.


Or put one rock on top of the centre rock and the other rock at the end of the rockwork to the right of the pic. Where the green coral next to the elegance is. That will give it an angled curved look. 


That will open up the sandbed which will give you more room to spread out the bottom dwelling corals.


Put that torch somewhere where it won't sting everything as it grows.


Elegance are hard to keep.


I wouldn't tear apart the tank but work with cleaning up the front, placing corals in different areas. I find drawing a few ideas is helpful

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Thanks! Unfortunately all my rocks are stuck together with hydraulic cement, so I don't think I can move them. Haha it's my first tank and scape. I'll have to think of something. You're right about the elegance coral- I had it for a couple weeks and it was looking great as it is in the pic until now it all of a sudden started to die, quick. It was a gift or I wouldn't have gotten it. :( I'm trying to find a way to save it, but idk. 

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The small rocks at the front are cemented together?


Can you not epoxy them to the back rocks? 


Reaquascaping the whole tank may lead to issues.

1. Taking out all the rocks and starting new means taking out the biological filteration

2. Stirring up all the detritus in the sand could lead to ammonia spikes.


I'd either try glueing the rocks on the floor on top or you can buy new small pieces of base rock or caribsea liferock and build the aquadcape with those



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Yeah, they're all cemented. Haha like I said, it's my first tank so i didn't know any better. lol I used them cus I was afraid my jawfish would dig and get smushed if they moved around lol he made a den the first night no problem of course. Oh well. This rock was also extremely hard to drill and break so there's a lot of big pieces. ? Live and learn I guess for next time. Haha 

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I epoxy all rocks but the epoxy can be broken apart.

You can work with it it just means being creative unless you cemented to 2 front rocks to the glass they can be moved together

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