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Cultivated Reef

4 month 20g update pics!


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I would say they are tank raised percs or ocellaris. Misbarring is common in captive bred clowns. From my personal experience at raising them it seems to be largely related to water quality during the barring stages of developement. It can make for some pretty cool looking fish at times.

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I Love the barebottem (is that starboard?), I"m almost tempted to rip out what little is left of my sand bed.


Is it difficult to keep the bottem clean/ free of algae?

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yeah i'm curious as to how the bottom of the tank is white as well. is it an acrylic tank with a white acrylic bottom? that is by far the cleanest looking tank i've seen in a while. but i bet its been photoshopped a tad, not that it matters, still a wonderful looking tank.



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Thanks for the kind words all!



Supposedly they are True Percs according to the LFS. I was determined to buy some clowns that day and that's all they had. So I bought them. So far they've been the coolest clowns I've ever had. They will poke their heads out of the water to eat flake food from my hand and seem perfectly content with the corner of cutting board they chose as their host.



coral reef:

I built the light from a piece of aluminum. 175w 20k MH with a 55w 10k and 55w Actinic pc's. Also a moonlight LED. It's all on timers so the pc's come on first for a few hours then the MH then it shuts down in reverse cycle. Trying to simulate lighting intensities from sunup to sunset best I can.



The bottom is actually a cutting board. Starboard is pretty much the same. Algae has never been a problem. RO/DI water since the start and a killer clean up crew to thank for that. The bottom has specs of pink coraline growing all over it.



Thanks. No photoshop here. Picture was taken with an Olympus Stylus 400 4megapixel. Flash off. Oh the tank is all glass aquarium. It has a piece of black acrylic on the inside as a background.

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Originally posted by Tunjee

 I wonder if he's seen the thread =)

I've seen it :) Great thread btw. Somehow when i read that, I feel like theres something sneaky going on =Þ VERY nice looking tank tunjee. It looks really clean.

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coral reef:


I bent some aluminum and riveted it together. I used a vice, mitre box, 3' screw clamp, jig saw, conduit bender, hack saw,drill and rivet gun. I would have just bought one but I couldnt find one with 175mh/2 55w pc's and a moonlight so I had to build it.

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That white bottom is cool... another idea would be to spray paint the bottom of a tank white (or any other color I guess). I never wanted a bare bottom tank because of the glare you get, but painting it (or doing what you did) would almost eliminate that.

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It's not gonna be white for much longer since it's already spotting up pretty good with pink coraline. You can get any color cutting board you want for the bottom too. You could even adhere a thin layer of sand to it with uerathane for a fo sand bed.


CT nano reefer:


Thanks for the compliment!

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