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Innovative Marine Aquariums

my new pico


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this nifty lil thing was $15 at petco

it came with a plenum, hood with 7 watt light (yes will be upgrading in the morning) clear pipe for plenum, air stone hose and pump


and for some reason we had this lil bitty hang on the back filter so i hung it on the back for now just to help circulate the water


so far i have installed the plenum and filter, took some gravel, water and LR from my 30g


let me know what ya think

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Well, i got that same tank for my sis for christmas at petsmart and i paid 10 so you might have gotten ripped off.... That is an undergravel filter w/ the uplift tube, plenum is very similar but doesn't suck stuff through the substrate that i know of. definately a good pico style tank, i'd take out the ugf and just use the hob in my opinion. I think a 13 watt clip on pc light would be a great light for that.

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yeah im not to worried about the $5 i do plan on taking the uplift tube out and the HOB off and only run an air stone, i was only useing them to help clear up the dust

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I would get rid of the gravel, UGF/plenum, uplift tube. I would use a 9 watt pc clamp on light from Red Sea. Oh yeah buy some real sand- good luck

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