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Macroalgae temps?


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I understand that most freshwater aquarium plants - even those from tropical regions - can easily handle temps from about 60 to 80 degrees F. What, though, about commonly available macroalgaes? Do they share such temperature tolerances, or do they need to be kept in temps consistently in the 70's to low 80's? Are there any common macroalgaes that do well below 60? An unheated macroalgae pico with no heater would be cheap and enjoyable. (Side note...what about the sea grasses?)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe almost all macros do better in cooler temperature tanks, as in low to mid 70's, vs high 70's into the 80's. I do not specifically know what temperate algaes are suitable for a home aquarium but I'm positive than many do grow in 50 - 60 degree water. One thing I would be concerned about in any case is that like coral, they definitely do better with stability.


Most sea grasses need around 6" inches to more than a foot of substrate with a high amount of organic matter in it so they're typically not suitable for most home aquariums, definitely not for small aquariums. There may be some exceptions but from what I've seen most grasses need very specific and deliberately planned tanks to be successful.

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OK! Thankx. By the way...IF one had a large, deep substrate tank suitable for the sea grasses, would they take issue with temps down to 60?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just chiming in,I have a ten gallon nano reef with a red macro algae and a sand bed of about an inch deep so it's a shallow sand bed and it has doubled in size in about 3 months,I had to trim it back some today,I'm sure there are perfect environments to keep this in and probably mine isn't considered perfect but it seems to be working great!!

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