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Tank raised cuttlefish


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Anyone ever had them? My LFS is getting a shipment of tank raised cuttlefish in, it would be awesome to do a species only tank with them and some caulerpa prolifera

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My friend had some. They are pretty sweet, but only last a year at best. (normal life cycle)

If they are sticking to the sides of the tank they are stressed out and not doing well. Also, be sure to run a LOT of carbon in case they ink.

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My friend had some. They are pretty sweet, but only last a year at best. (normal life cycle)

If they are sticking to the sides of the tank they are stressed out and not doing well. Also, be sure to run a LOT of carbon in case they ink.

yea that's what I read also, been researching them all morning, doesn't seem like too much extra work just about the same as keeping sps or other nutrient/clean water demanding creatures haha



Never had them but sounds like a bad ass idea.

lol I'm interested in a cuddlefish setup now damn
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Assuming its sepia badensis?


I had one, very very interesting to keep. I had mine trained to eat frozen shrimp...sorta. If I could keep it suspended and moving in the water column he would have a go at them. To me it was the same as keeping parameters the same as a reef, hardest part was getting them to eat well enough. Depending on size you get and tank size might need something to keep them in until they are big enough to make sure they are eating as well as easier to feed them.


They'll get to know you and will perk up knowing you are feeding them as well. Mine inked I think once, maybe he was less cranky than others. Also have to watch size wise if you have multiples, they will eat smaller tank mates if I recall. I have a funny video when I first got mine and had in acclimating in a critter carrier in my reef tank and he was trying to have a go at my yasha goby through the plastic.

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