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Is this Yellow Clown Goby ( okinawa goby) skinny?


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I did already posted some day's ago a question regarding their menu since i'm having some troubles ( like other users).


He is eating somewhat well brine shrimp but pellets, flake he just spit's. Bought mysis this weekend but i believe he spits much more than what he eats.


I can't understand looking at the fish if he is getting skinny or not since i'm new to the hobby and its difficult to me to evaluate such condittion.


Can someone comment ( sorry for the bad phone photo quality)?


Thanks in advance.

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They usually get a sucken look or the lateral line starts showing.


Try feeding it mysis. Using a pipette to direct it in his area will help.

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As you admit, not the best photo (but other people have posted worst, asking more detailed questions :) ).


Doesn't look too skinny/starved to me. Could stand to be a little more sleek but that will come with time & decent food. Try crushing your pellets - mine spits out full size ones as well (omega one marine micro pellets at that) but is a pig when it comes to smaller bites.

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Hi, thanks for the feedback.


I will try this afternoon to take a better photo.


I have already tried to crush my pellets but he just don't bite them. This morning i have fed mysis after the 2 clowns eat some pellets and he eats some but comparing with the clowns it's just too little.


I already understood that in the beginning he grabs and eats quite slowly but eats, after a couple of minutes he grabs the food and then just spits and grab the same piece and spits again.


nevertheless this afternoon i will try some brine / pellets with vitamins.


Other thing that is just annoying is that all 3 fishes just stay in one corner behind and arround an hydor koralia, this i still need to understand :/.




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You may need to chop up the mysis into smaller pieces. It may be too big for it.


There are also mysis flakes you can get which are smaller.


Turning off the pumps while feeding may make it easier as well.


What size tank and powerhead gph do you run?

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A better frozen option for smaller fish is Hikari brand mysis, which are a smaller species that what PE sells, so smaller fish will more readily go for them. PE also was supposed to bring physically smaller PE mysis in a smaller size, but I have never seen them for sale.

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the tank has 200 litter ( more or less), it's 120/55/40 ( cm ) if i'm not mistaken.


On each side it has an Hydor Koralia Evolution 2800 pointed up but during feeding it's turned off.

IMG 20160802 184044

The pumps are not in that position but on each side of the back chamber in the back glass instead in the side glass.
Yesterday afternoon until the night he ate brine like crazy 3x, this morning he didn't wanted mysis (small or big pieces)
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Keep it on the Brine and mix in some small pieces of mysis everytime you feed the brine. These fish can be difficult to get to eat so I'm happy it is at least eating some brine shrimp.

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This morning i got back to brine with vitamins, after giving some pellets to the clowns.


The clown goby eats quite slowly :), but he is learning to grab and run to reach the food first than the clowns LOL. The clowns are learning to don't eat the pellets and wait for the brine LOL.


Again, this morning the brine he ate quite well until he just started to spit and gave up and went to his place behind the pump.


In the end of the afternoon i will try what you advise and mix up brine with mysis.


I still think he could eat more comparing to the clowns but at least he is eating every day.

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Small update.


Since saturday he is eating quite well mysi and brine. It almost don't spit and stays much longer to grab food :).


He just refuses pellets right now but, it's an improvement :)

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One food to look out for would be LobsterEggs (Ocean Nutrition's + among other brands). The stuff was called Nutramar Ova here in the states and it was like practically injecting food into your fish & corals. EVERYTHING eats it.


Since you're in the EU it may be available locally or at least by online order on a practical basis.

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Thanks for the info. Sincerely i had never heard or seen it but i will check next time i go to a shop.


Right now the Goby is eating well. He eats really well the mysis and brine even if he does not even tries the pellets or flake.


This last week i got some heath issue with the smaller clown due to some agression/stress that sincerelly i have never seen but he is also recovering and again eating quite well.


All in all not so bad but still i have many issues regarding keeping an healty reef so i will slow down and don't get nothing in the next months until i solve all my issues :).


Thanks for all your help, my goby is really happy with all your feedback.



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Hi there - I'm a little late to the party but in general if you think that your fish is "looking skinny" then it probably is.


And with nutrition there's no quick turn around - everything happens over time. So, as others have advised making changes to your feeding routine is a great idea. It's sometimes hard for some more timid fish to get enough food when there are more aggressive eaters in your tank.


One other suggestion if you still feel that it is looking on the skinny side is to treat it for internal parasites. This is pretty easy to do with some praziquantel and at least in my experience can help a fish that doesn't act particularly interested in food to be a more active eater at feeding time.

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