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Are These PPE's?


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zoos arent zoos...


miscommunication here....


I need to clarify what I mean by saying "zoos are zoos." What that means is that I will not pay 50 dollars for one head of ppe. So in away I am saying that a ppe or blue zoos is worth as much as any other colorful zoos. I have colorful zoos, please go check it out on my website, I don't pay any more 20 dollars for any of them, and most of them are small frags that cost 10 bucks or less.


If somebody wants to pay 50 dollars for a head of ppe, than that is fine by me, it must be one special zoo with some kind of sentimental value or just a zoo that must be had.

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sorry to appear stupid, what do you mean by PPE's? i've got a full rock of zoo's in the same colours as nudibranch mentioned, picked it up for next to nothing, are they rare or something?

thanks for your help

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Purple People Eaters... suposivly rare, brightly colored (purple and green) zoos. I Think they are a specific strain, so just because you have purple and green zoos, doesn't make them "Purple People Eaters" However... who cares? If they look cool, then thats better then any overrated strain anyday.


Check out this link... Farms of the Sea's PPE's



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LOL vette...stop it! Now you're making it look like a clown! LOL Come to think if it a red nose...maybe some orange hair )the green works too though)...think we could make a few grand before everyone caught on? We could call them "Clown Eaters"...start the bidding at $500...like that idea? LOL

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