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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Aiptasia Laser?


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I have seen Youtube Vids and know they are out there.

I am getting an outbreak of them. Found 1 in my back chamber 2 days ago.

I have 2 in or near my Zoas. I have 2 in my Larger (less Expensive) Goni.

And then some on my rocks. I need help.

Does anyone know where I can get a Laser strong enough to kill these bastards? Under 100 dollars?

A link would be nice.

I get paid from the VA on the 1st.

I ran out of Superglue Gel (Loctite Cyanoacralate)

If pics are wanted, let me know. Super-gluing some of these suckers will be near impossible because of where they are growing :(

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Some asshole had one when I was in the Navy that ran him around 300 bucks. He'd burn people's legs in the smoke pit. I haven't a clue where you get them though.

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Why not pick up a few peppermint shrimp? They worked great for me.

I have 2 of them. Put them in 2 weeks ago. Disappeared overnight...saw them finally. They were hanging around underneath and behind my rock work.



Some asshole had one when I was in the Navy that ran him around 300 bucks. He'd burn people's legs in the smoke pit. I haven't a clue where you get them though.

lol! Yeah some Service members can be real A* Holes. I was Army.

TY for your service and Welcome Home, Brother :)

I Can't spend that kind of money. I am hoping to find something more affordable. <_<

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My understanding is that you can't easily purchase a high enough powered one due to legal restrictions any more. You have to buy the parts and assemble one yourself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, couldn't do the laser idea. I picked up Aiptasia-X yesterday. TAKE THAT SUCKERS! MMMWAHAahahaha!

That stuff is the BOMB!

I Still have some smaller Aiptasias that I can't really reach. I'll get some before and after pics up shortly.

I Just turkey basted the Tank and, well, it is still quite cloudy.

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Before and after.






The Goni started looking like chit before the treatment...So, this is after treatment...Treated last night before lights out..






So..As u can see, the Goni looks like hell. I am going to post a New Topic regarding the Goni.

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You can check your local area reef club (if you have one). My reef club had two lasers they loan out free to club members. Membership for my club is only about 15 bucks for a year - cheaper than buying a laser

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if you are in Ft Myers area I know they have a reef club - I'm pretty sure I've been to an event that we had all the local west Florida coast clubs at - a BBQ in Venice I think a couple years ago.

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Laser sounds more like an experiment or just something cool...



Plenty of people have success with much cheaper methods.


1) $0.25 hypodermic syringe and some lemon juice injected into the anemone works well and you can do it directly into the tank.


2) Cover their hole with a tiny bit of super glue gel or even a tiny pea size chunk of underwater epoxy stick

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I went ahead and Used Aiptasia-X. Did a nice Job on it. The latest update shows Before and after Pics.

I am no longer considering a Laser. Just an idea I was thinking.

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  • 5 weeks later...

So, I am still battling this pest. I Have it under control. I still have a couple that pop up but, Let me just say this...

Watching an aiptasia implode is soooo very satisfying! Damn, it is almost fun, using Aiptasia-X :lol:B)

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