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How has sps in there nano?


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I am looking for a compilation of success/failure in keeping SPS in particular acro's and montipora's. And if you have succeeded or failed, no shame in failing. If you could also tell me what your running for lighting and how deep you kept them and how far from the surface your lights are. :)

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I have 2 small yellow/green acro frags and just recently fragged my montipora digitata so i have about 7 frags of that. All are growing great, the acros the best. They have encrusted and grown in the 2 months i've had them. I got them from a guy who had them under MH and they looked like crap, bleached and no polyp extension. I put them high up on my rock, about 6" from the light. My light is the 96w powerquad. All is great so far.

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look at his sig....:)


i have a 5.5 with a 96wPQ and have monti caps and digitas, and a birdsnest.....only for about a week so i will see how it goes

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Originally posted by jedimaster

Great thanks for the info, you don't happen to have any pics do yah? what size is your tank?


Located at the top of the rock :) Also forgot to add my hydnophora.



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i have several purple skinned digi's, a green monti cap, blue tipped acro (not sure exactly what kind), and an orange monti cap under 300 watts of de 20k ushio's over a 26 bow. They are all within 5- 7" of the surface. I skim with an asm g-2. Great growth and color on all of them.

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Real nice thread tippmann03.

Have you thought about trying a Branching acropora? I am on the hunt for a frag of one. I have a digitata frag right now, that I put in 2 days ago. At the LFS the pollyps were only partly expanded, but after about 5 minutes they are all fully extended. Sorry I don't have a digital camera atm(mine busted)

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holy crap james.....300 effing Watts? ay yay yay!


jedimaster...here is what i've learned from my experience.


-You have to kill a few pieces before you can REALLY get the hang of how to keep them.


-Captive raised pieces are the way to go and they can do very well under PC's....wild specimens don't fare as well and require halides (pretty much). There's just less room for mistakes with them.


-If using PC's for lighting...keep the pieces about 3 or 4 inches from the surface of the water, this will insure that they receive the proper lighting that the zooxanthellae requires.


-Indirect or direct feeding of frozen cyclops will aide in their growth....smaller micron size particles are not necessary


-yellow clown gobies are a NO-NO


-Run activated carbon for better water quality and spectrum....the removal of specific metals from the water will increase the amount of light that the corals receive.


-HIGH flow....not pummeling them but around 10-15GPH per gallon. You will find what arrangements work best for you.


-If a part of the coral bleaches....frag it! its not worth losing the whole piece even though theres a CHANCE that you won't.


-Montipora are the most suited to PC's....i recommend about 6W per gallon


and thats my spiel!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by danieljames

i have several purple skinned digi's, a green monti cap, blue tipped acro (not sure exactly what kind), and an orange monti cap under 300 watts of de 20k ushio's over a 26 bow. They are all within 5- 7" of the surface. I skim with an asm g-2. Great growth and color on all of them.


Have any pics? I would love to see 2x150 De over a 26g.



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