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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Fish selection for 10g


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Hi, I'm creating a tank for the senior center I work at, and they're not ready to commit to a large tank, so I'm doing a nano! But I wanted to reach out to the community for suggestions as I've only been reefing about a year. The tank has been up for 3 months and currently contains a CUC, skunk cleaner shrimp, and a magnificent firefish. The seniors want a clown fish, but I have some other ideas. My wish list is


-pink streaked wrasse

-yellow clown goby

-banggai cardinal

-oscellaris clownfish

Since the firefish is already in there, he's mandatory lol but what combination of these fish would be likely to do well together in such tight quarters? I appreciate any input, thanks!

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Definitely a lot for a 10gallon if you did all of those fish. I would recommend three fish total in the tank. My cardinal fish is pretty, but super boring. When he was in my 10g he just stayed in one spot all the time, until feeding of course.


Pink streaked wrasses are really neat, I have always thought about adding one. supposedly they can be shy, but I think they are adorable!


I would probably do the clownfish and maybe the goby if you really want more than two fish in there..

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I would just do the clownfish since it is about their enjoyment. Clowns are active...hardy...easy to feed and will interact with the seniors.


The cardinal is nocturnal and won't move much. They also tend not to eat pellet foods.


The clown goby may need target feeding and they can sometimes be problems with corals.


Pink streak....cool fish but shy. Again I think an active and interactive fish would bring them the most joy.

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Thanks for the advice especially helping me remember who this tank is really for The comments about banggais were especially insightful; I have one in my 20g, and he's pretty active, but maybe it's because of the extra space. The firefish is really shy, hiding most of the time, so I think having the clownfish will make the seniors happy. I actually tried to add a baby clownfish at the same time as the firefish, but the firefish ran away every time it went near him. Maybe now that it has an established territory I can try again, but I'll add the YCG first. Thanks again!

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Thanks for the advice especially helping me remember who this tank is really for The comments about banggais were especially insightful; I have one in my 20g, and he's pretty active, but maybe it's because of the extra space. The firefish is really shy, hiding most of the time, so I think having the clownfish will make the seniors happy. I actually tried to add a baby clownfish at the same time as the firefish, but the firefish ran away every time it went near him. Maybe now that it has an established territory I can try again, but I'll add the YCG first. Thanks again!


My dartfish hid for like 4 months before it started to feel confident. It may take awhile, but usually these fish do well together. Good luck, I think it is awesome you are bringing a little piece of ocean to them :)

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