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clown fish bedding

the deacon

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I've had my false perc for about a month and a half. Yesterday i noticed a sandstorm in the tank and saw my perc fanning out the substrate for bedding. She is kicking sand up all onto my fungia. I contimplating moving the fungia but everywhere else the flow is to strong so i just keep turkey basting the sand off. Has anyone had experience of bedding clowns in there nano's?




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Don't really have any answers for you, but I do have interest as to why they do that... My black percula female just started doing that this evening... Digging a little pit in the sand...


Anybody know why?

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like this?



mine does this all the time cuz the goby and shrimp keep piling up sand there and she keeps flattening it back out.


Let her keep doing it till its the way she wants and she should stop.

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sounds like its pretty common, thanks for the replys. i moved the plate anyway to a better flow area and it looks better than ever. go figure

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